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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// TODO(kt3k): Write test when pty is supported in Deno// See:
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const LINE_CLEAR = encoder.encode("\r\u001b[K"); // From cli/prompt_secret.tsconst COLOR_RESET = "\u001b[0m";const DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 75;const DEFAULT_SPINNER = ["⠋", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠧", "⠇", "⠏"];
// This is a hack to allow us to use the same type for both the color name and an ANSI escape code.// ref: deno-lint-ignore ban-typesexport type Ansi = string & {};export type Color = | "black" | "red" | "green" | "yellow" | "blue" | "magenta" | "cyan" | "white" | "gray" | Ansi;
const COLORS: Record<Color, string> = { black: "\u001b[30m", red: "\u001b[31m", green: "\u001b[32m", yellow: "\u001b[33m", blue: "\u001b[34m", magenta: "\u001b[35m", cyan: "\u001b[36m", white: "\u001b[37m", gray: "\u001b[90m",};
/** Options for {@linkcode Spinner}. */export interface SpinnerOptions { /** * The sequence of characters to be iterated through for animation. * * @default {["⠋", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠧", "⠇", "⠏"]} */ spinner?: string[]; /** * The message to display next to the spinner. This can be changed while the * spinner is active. */ message?: string; /** * The time between each frame of the spinner in milliseconds. * * @default {75} */ interval?: number; /** * The color of the spinner. Defaults to the default terminal color. * This can be changed while the spinner is active. */ color?: Color;}
/** * A spinner that can be used to indicate that something is loading. */export class Spinner { #spinner: string[]; message: string; #interval: number; #color?: Color; #intervalId: number | undefined; #active = false;
/** * Creates a new spinner. * * @example * ```ts * import { Spinner } from "$STD_VERSION/cli/spinner.ts"; * * const spinner = new Spinner({ message: "Loading..." }); * ``` */ constructor( { spinner = DEFAULT_SPINNER, message = "", interval = DEFAULT_INTERVAL, color, }: SpinnerOptions = {}, ) { this.#spinner = spinner; this.message = message; this.#interval = interval; this.color = color; }
set color(value: Color | undefined) { this.#color = value ? COLORS[value] : undefined; }
get color(): Color | undefined { return this.#color; }
/** * Starts the spinner. * * @example * ```ts * import { Spinner } from "$STD_VERSION/cli/spinner.ts"; * * const spinner = new Spinner({ message: "Loading..." }); * spinner.start(); * ``` */ start() { if (this.#active || Deno.stdout.writable.locked) return; this.#active = true; let i = 0; // Updates the spinner after the given interval. const updateFrame = () => { const color = this.#color ?? ""; Deno.stdout.writeSync(LINE_CLEAR); const frame = encoder.encode( color + this.#spinner[i] + COLOR_RESET + " " + this.message, ); Deno.stdout.writeSync(frame); i = (i + 1) % this.#spinner.length; }; this.#intervalId = setInterval(updateFrame, this.#interval); } /** * Stops the spinner. * * @example * ```ts * import { Spinner } from "$STD_VERSION/cli/spinner.ts"; * * const spinner = new Spinner({ message: "Loading..." }); * spinner.start(); * * setTimeout(() => { * spinner.stop(); * console.log("Finished loading!"); * }, 3000); * ``` */ stop() { if (this.#intervalId && this.#active) { clearInterval(this.#intervalId); Deno.stdout.writeSync(LINE_CLEAR); // Clear the current line this.#active = false; } }}