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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright (c) Jason Campbell. MIT license
/** * Extracts * {@link | front matter} * from strings. * * {@linkcode createExtractor} and {@linkcode test} functions * to handle many forms of front matter. * * Adapted from * {@link | jxson/front-matter}. * * Supported formats: * * - [`YAML`](./front_matter/yaml.ts) * - [`TOML`](./front_matter/toml.ts) * - [`JSON`](./front_matter/json.ts) * * ### Basic usage * * * * ```markdown * --- * module: front_matter * tags: * - yaml * - toml * - json * --- * * deno is awesome * ``` * * example.ts * * ```ts * import { extract } from "$STD_VERSION/front_matter/any.ts"; * import { test } from "$STD_VERSION/front_matter/test.ts"; * * const str = await Deno.readTextFile("./"); * * if (test(str)) { * console.log(extract(str)); * } else { * console.log("document doesn't contain front matter"); * } * ``` * * ```sh * $ deno run ./example.ts * { * frontMatter: "module: front_matter\ntags:\n - yaml\n - toml\n - json", * body: "deno is awesome", * attrs: { module: "front_matter", tags: [ "yaml", "toml", "json" ] } * } * ``` * * The above example recognizes any of the supported formats, extracts metadata and * parses accordingly. Please note that in this case both the [YAML](#yaml) and * [TOML](#toml) parsers will be imported as dependencies. * * If you need only one specific format then you can import the file named * respectively from [here](./front_matter). * * ### Advanced usage * * ```ts * import { test as _test } from "$STD_VERSION/front_matter/test.ts"; * import { * createExtractor, * Parser, * } from "$STD_VERSION/front_matter/mod.ts"; * import { parse } from "$STD_VERSION/toml/parse.ts"; * * const extract = createExtractor({ * "toml": parse as Parser, * "json": JSON.parse as Parser, * }); * * export function test(str: string): boolean { * return _test(str, ["toml", "json"]); * } * ``` * * In this setup `extract()` and `test()` will work with TOML and JSON and only. * This way the YAML parser is not loaded if not needed. You can cherry-pick which * combination of formats are you supporting based on your needs. * * ### Delimiters * * #### YAML * * ```markdown * --- * these: are * --- * ``` * * ```markdown * ---yaml * all: recognized * --- * ``` * * ```markdown * = yaml = * as: yaml * = yaml = * ``` * * #### TOML * * ```markdown * ---toml * this = 'is' * --- * ``` * * ```markdown * = toml = * parsed = 'as' * toml = 'data' * = toml = * ``` * * ```markdown * +++ * is = 'that' * not = 'cool?' * +++ * ``` * * #### JSON * * ```markdown * ---json * { * "and": "this" * } * --- * ``` * * ```markdown * { * "is": "JSON" * } * ``` * * @module */
export * from "./create_extractor.ts";export * from "./test.ts";