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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { IniMap } from "./mod.ts";import { assertEquals, assertObjectMatch } from "../assert/mod.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "IniMap", async fn({ step }) { const text = "#comment\nkeyA=1977-05-25\n[section1]\nkeyA=100"; let ini = new IniMap();
await step({ name: "set() values", fn() { assertEquals(ini.size, 0); assertEquals(ini.set("section1", "keyA", null), ini); assertEquals(ini.set("keyA", true), ini); assertEquals(ini.set("section1", "keyA", 100), ini); assertEquals(ini.set("keyA", "1977-05-25"), ini); assertEquals(ini.size, 2); }, });
await step({ name: "get() values", fn() { assertEquals(ini.get("section1", "keyA"), 100); assertEquals(ini.get("keyA"), "1977-05-25"); }, });
await step({ name: "delete() values", fn() { assertEquals(ini.delete("section1", "keyB"), false); assertEquals(ini.delete("keyB"), false); assertEquals(ini.delete("section1", "keyA"), true); assertEquals(ini.delete("keyA"), true); }, });
await step({ name: "has() keys", fn() { assertEquals(ini.has("section1", "keyA"), false); assertEquals(ini.has("keyA"), false); ini.set("section1", "keyA", 100); ini.set("keyA", "1977-05-25"); assertEquals(ini.has("section1", "keyA"), true); assertEquals(ini.has("keyA"), true); }, });
await step({ name: "clear()", fn() { ini.clear("section1"); assertEquals(ini.size, 1); assertEquals(ini.has("section1", "keyA"), false); ini.clear(); assertEquals(ini.size, 0); assertEquals(ini.has("keyA"), false); }, });
await step({ name: "entries()", fn() { ini.set("section1", "keyA", 100); ini.set("keyA", "1977-05-25"); assertObjectMatch( Array.from(ini.entries()), // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any [["keyA", "1977-05-25"], ["keyA", 100, "section1"]] as any, ); }, });
await step({ name: "parse() INI string", fn() { ini = new IniMap(); ini.parse(text); assertEquals(ini.get("section1", "keyA"), "100"); assertEquals(ini.get("keyA"), "1977-05-25"); ini.clear(); ini.parse( text, (key, val, sec) => sec === "section1" && key === "keyA" ? Number(val) : val, ); assertEquals(ini.get("section1", "keyA"), 100); assertEquals(ini.get("keyA"), "1977-05-25"); }, });
await step({ name: "convert() to INI string", fn() { assertEquals(ini.toString(), text); assertEquals( ini.toString((key, val, sec) => key && sec ? "one hundred" : val), "#comment\nkeyA=1977-05-25\n[section1]\nkeyA=one hundred", ); }, });
await step({ name: "convert() to object", fn() { assertObjectMatch(ini.toObject(), { keyA: "1977-05-25", section1: { keyA: 100 }, }); }, });
await step({ name: "convert() to JSON", fn() { assertEquals( JSON.stringify(ini), '{"keyA":"1977-05-25","section1":{"keyA":100}}', ); }, });
await step({ name: "from() creates ini from given inputs", fn() { assertEquals( IniMap.from("keyA=1977-05-25\n[section1]\nkeyA=100").toString(), IniMap.from({ keyA: "1977-05-25", section1: { keyA: 100 }, }).toString(), ); }, });
await step({ name: "from() detects unambiguous formatting marks", fn() { assertObjectMatch(IniMap.from("# comment\na = b").formatting, { commentChar: "#", lineBreak: "\n", pretty: true, }); assertObjectMatch(IniMap.from("; comment\ra=b").formatting, { commentChar: ";", lineBreak: "\r", pretty: false, }); assertObjectMatch(IniMap.from("// comment\r\na= b").formatting, { commentChar: "//", lineBreak: "\r\n", pretty: false, }); assertObjectMatch(IniMap.from("# comment\n\ra =b").formatting, { commentChar: "#", lineBreak: "\n\r", pretty: false, }); }, });
await step({ name: "comments", async fn({ step }) { ini = IniMap.from({ keyA: "1977-05-25", section1: { keyA: 100 }, });
await step({ name: "set comments", fn() { assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtLine(4, "# set comment 1"), ini.comments, ); assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtLine(6, "without formatting mark"), ini.comments, ); assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtKey("keyA", "# set comment 2"), ini.comments, ); assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtKey("section1", "keyA", "# set comment 3"), ini.comments, ); assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtSection("section1", "# set comment 4"), ini.comments, ); assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtLine(7, "# modified comment 1"), ini.comments, ); assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtKey("keyA", "# modified comment 2"), ini.comments, ); assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtKey("section1", "keyA", "# modified comment 3"), ini.comments, ); assertEquals( ini.comments.setAtSection("section1", "# modified comment 4"), ini.comments, ); }, });
await step({ name: "get comments", fn() { assertEquals(ini.comments.getAtLine(7), "# modified comment 1"); assertEquals(ini.comments.getAtLine(8), ""); assertEquals( ini.comments.getAtLine(9), "# without formatting mark", ); assertEquals(ini.comments.getAtKey("keyA"), "# modified comment 2"); assertEquals( ini.comments.getAtKey("section1", "keyA"), "# modified comment 3", ); assertEquals( ini.comments.getAtSection("section1"), "# modified comment 4", ); }, });
await step({ name: "delete comments", fn() { ini.comments.setAtLine(1, "# set comment 1"); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtLine(9), true); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtLine(8), true); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtLine(7), true); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtKey("keyA"), true); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtKey("section1", "keyA"), true); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtSection("section1"), true); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtLine(9), false); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtLine(8), false); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtLine(7), false); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtKey("keyA"), false); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtKey("section1", "keyA"), false); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtSection("section1"), false); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtKey("section1", "keyB"), false); assertEquals(ini.comments.deleteAtSection("section2"), false); }, });
await step({ name: "clear comments", fn() { ini.comments.setAtLine(1, "# set comment 1"); ini.comments.setAtKey("section1", "keyA", "# set comment 2"); ini.comments.setAtSection("section1", "# set comment 3"); assertEquals( ini.toString(), "# set comment 1\nkeyA=1977-05-25\n# set comment 3\n[section1]\n# set comment 2\nkeyA=100", ); ini.comments.clear(); assertEquals( ini.toString(), "keyA=1977-05-25\n[section1]\nkeyA=100", ); }, });
await step({ name: "preserve comments", fn() { const comment = "# comment"; assertEquals(IniMap.from(comment).toString(), comment); }, }); }, }); },});