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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
import * as mod from "";

parse and stringify for handling INI encoded data, such as the Desktop Entry specification. Values are parsed as strings by default to preserve data parity from the original. Customization is possible in the form of reviver/replacer functions like those in JSON.parse and JSON.stringify. Nested sections, repeated key names within a section, and key/value arrays are not supported, but will be preserved when using IniMap. Multi-line values are not supported and will throw a syntax error. White space padding and lines starting with '#', ';', or '//' will be treated as comments.


Example 1

import * as ini from "";
const iniFile = `# Example configuration file
Global Key=Some data here

[Section #1]
Section Value=42
Section Date=1977-05-25
const parsed = ini.parse(iniFile, {
  reviver: (key, value, section) => {
    if (section === "Section #1") {
      if (key === "Section Value") return Number(value);
      if (key === "Section Date") return new Date(value);
    return value;

// =>
// {
//   "Global Key": "Some data here",
//   "Section #1": { "Section Value": 42, "Section Date": 1977-05-25T00:00:00.000Z }
// }

const text = ini.stringify(parsed, {
  replacer: (key, value, section) => {
    if (section === "Section #1" && key === "Section Date") {
      return (value as Date).toISOString().split("T")[0];
    return value;

// =>
// Global Key=Some data here
// [Section #1]
// Section Value=42
// Section Date=1977-05-25

Optionally, IniMap may be used for finer INI handling. Using this class will permit preserving comments, accessing values like a map, iterating over key/value/section entries, and more.

Example 2

import { IniMap } from "";
const ini = new IniMap();
ini.set("section1", "keyA", 100)

// =>
// [section1]
// keyA=100

ini.set('keyA', 25)

// =>
// {
//   keyA: 25,
//   section1: {
//     keyA: 100
//   }
// }

The reviver and replacer APIs can be used to extend the behavior of IniMap, such as adding support for duplicate keys as if they were arrays of values.

Example 3

import { IniMap } from "";
const iniFile = `# Example of key/value arrays
key1=This key
key1=is non-standard
key1=but can be captured!
const ini = new IniMap({ assignment: "=", deduplicate: true });
ini.parse(iniFile, (key, value, section) => {
  if (section) {
    if (ini.has(section, key)) {
      const exists = ini.get(section, key);
      if (Array.isArray(exists)) {
        return exists;
      } else {
        return [exists, value];
  return value;
console.log(ini.get("section1", "key1"));

// => [ "This key", "is non-standard", "but can be captured!" ]

const result = ini.toString((key, value) => {
  if (Array.isArray(value)) {
    return value.join(
  return value;
console.log(result === iniFile);

// => true


Class implementation for fine control of INI data structures.


Parse an INI config string into an object. Provide formatting options to override the default assignment operator.

Compile an object into an INI config string. Provide formatting options to modify the output.


Options for providing formatting marks.

Options for parsing INI strings.

Options for constructing INI strings.

Type Aliases

Function for replacing JavaScript values with INI string values.

Function for replacing INI values with JavaScript values.