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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import type { Comparator, SemVer } from "./types.ts";import { ANY, INVALID, MAX } from "./constants.ts";
/** * The maximum version that could match this comparator. * * If an invalid comparator is given such as <0.0.0 then * an out of range semver will be returned. * @returns the version, the MAX version or the next smallest patch version */export function comparatorMax(comparator: Comparator): SemVer { const semver = comparator.semver ?? comparator; if (semver === ANY) return MAX; switch (comparator.operator) { case "!=": case "!==": case ">": case ">=": return MAX; case "": case "==": case "===": case undefined: case "=": case "<=": return { major: semver.major, minor: semver.minor, patch: semver.patch, prerelease: semver.prerelease, build:, }; case "<": { const patch = semver.patch - 1; const minor = patch >= 0 ? semver.minor : semver.minor - 1; const major = minor >= 0 ? semver.major : semver.major - 1; // if you try to do <0.0.0 it will Give you -∞.∞.∞ // which means no SemVer can compare successfully to it. if (major < 0) { return INVALID; } else { return { major, minor: minor >= 0 ? minor : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, patch: patch >= 0 ? patch : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, prerelease: [], build: [], }; } } }}