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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { comparatorIntersects } from "./_comparator_intersects.ts";import type { Comparator, Range } from "./types.ts";
function rangesSatisfiable(ranges: Range[]): boolean { return ranges.every((r) => { // For each OR at least one AND must be satisfiable return r.some((comparators) => comparatorsSatisfiable(comparators)); });}
function comparatorsSatisfiable(comparators: Comparator[]): boolean { // Comparators are satisfiable if they all intersect with each other for (let i = 0; i < comparators.length - 1; i++) { const c0 = comparators[i]!; for (const c1 of comparators.slice(i + 1)) { if (!comparatorIntersects(c0, c1)) { return false; } } } return true;}
/** * The ranges intersect every range of AND comparators intersects with a least one range of OR ranges. * @param r0 range 0 * @param r1 range 1 * @returns returns true if any */export function rangeIntersects( r0: Range, r1: Range,): boolean { return rangesSatisfiable([r0, r1]) && r0.some((r00) => { return r1.some((r11) => { return r00.every((c0) => { return r11.every((c1) => comparatorIntersects(c0, c1)); }); }); });}