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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { VERSION } from "../version.ts";import * as semver from "../semver/mod.ts";import * as colors from "../fmt/colors.ts";import { doc } from "deno_doc";import { walk } from "../fs/walk.ts";import { toFileUrl } from "../path/mod.ts";
const ROOT = new URL("../", import.meta.url);
const FAIL_FAST = Deno.args.includes("--fail-fast");
const DEPRECATION_IN_FORMAT_REGEX = /^\(will be removed in (?<version>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\)/;const DEPRECATION_AFTER_FORMAT_REGEX = /^\(will be removed after (?<version>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\)/;
let shouldFail = false;
// add three minor version to current versionconst DEFAULT_DEPRECATED_VERSION = semver.increment( semver.increment( semver.increment( semver.parse(VERSION), "minor", )!, "minor", )!, "minor",);
for await ( const { path } of walk(ROOT, { includeDirs: false, exts: [".mjs", ".js", ".ts"], skip: [ /\.git$/, /dotenv(\/|\\)testdata$/, /fs(\/|\\)testdata$/, /http(\/|\\)testdata$/, /http(\/|\\)_negotiation$/, /crypto(\/|\\)_benches$/, /crypto(\/|\\)_wasm$/, /encoding(\/|\\)_yaml$/, /encoding(\/|\\)_toml$/, /_tools$/, /_util$/, /docs$/, ], })) { // deno_doc only takes urls. const url = toFileUrl(path); const docs = await doc(url.href);
for (const d of docs) { const tags = d.jsDoc?.tags; if (tags) { for (const tag of tags) { switch (tag.kind) { case "deprecated": { const message = tag.doc; if (!message) { console.error("Error"), `${ colors.bold("@deprecated") } tag must have a version: ${path}:${d.location.line}`, ); shouldFail = true; if (FAIL_FAST) Deno.exit(1); continue; } const { version: afterVersion } = DEPRECATION_AFTER_FORMAT_REGEX.exec(message)?.groups || {};
if (afterVersion) { if ( semver.lessThan( semver.parse(afterVersion), semver.parse(VERSION), ) ) { console.warn( colors.yellow("Warn"), `${ colors.bold("@deprecated") } tag is expired and export should be removed: ${path}:${d.location.line}`, ); } continue; }
const { version: inVersion } = DEPRECATION_IN_FORMAT_REGEX.exec(message)?.groups || {}; if (!inVersion) { console.error("Error"), `${ colors.bold("@deprecated") } tag version is missing. Append '${DEPRECATION_IN_FORMAT}' after @deprecated tag: ${path}:${d.location.line}`, ); shouldFail = true; if (FAIL_FAST) Deno.exit(1); continue; }
if ( !semver.greaterThan( semver.parse(inVersion), semver.parse(VERSION), ) ) { console.error("Error"), `${ colors.bold("@deprecated") } tag is expired and export must be removed: ${path}:${d.location.line}`, ); if (FAIL_FAST) Deno.exit(1); shouldFail = true; continue; } } } } } }}
if (shouldFail) Deno.exit(1);