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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// TODO(axetroy): Add test for Windows once symlink is implemented for Windows.import { assertEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows } from "../assert/mod.ts";import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";import { ensureLink, ensureLinkSync } from "./ensure_link.ts";
const moduleDir = path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url));const testdataDir = path.resolve(moduleDir, "testdata");
Deno.test("ensureLink() rejects if src and dest do not exist", async function () { const srcDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_1"); const destDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_1_2"); const testFile = path.join(srcDir, "test.txt"); const linkFile = path.join(destDir, "link.txt");
await assertRejects( async () => { await ensureLink(testFile, linkFile); }, );
await Deno.remove(destDir, { recursive: true });});
Deno.test("ensureLinkSync() throws if src and dest do not exist", function () { const testDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_2"); const testFile = path.join(testDir, "test.txt"); const linkFile = path.join(testDir, "link.txt");
assertThrows(() => { ensureLinkSync(testFile, linkFile); });
Deno.removeSync(testDir, { recursive: true });});
Deno.test("ensureLink() ensures dest links to the src", async function () { const testDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_3"); const testFile = path.join(testDir, "test.txt"); const linkFile = path.join(testDir, "link.txt");
await Deno.mkdir(testDir, { recursive: true }); await Deno.writeFile(testFile, new Uint8Array());
await ensureLink(testFile, linkFile);
const srcStat = await Deno.lstat(testFile); const linkStat = await Deno.lstat(linkFile);
assertEquals(srcStat.isFile, true); assertEquals(linkStat.isFile, true);
// har link success. try to change one of them. they should be change both.
// let's change origin file. await Deno.writeTextFile(testFile, "123");
const testFileContent1 = await Deno.readTextFile(testFile); const linkFileContent1 = await Deno.readTextFile(testFile);
assertEquals(testFileContent1, "123"); assertEquals(testFileContent1, linkFileContent1);
// let's change link file. await Deno.writeFile(testFile, new TextEncoder().encode("abc"));
const testFileContent2 = await Deno.readTextFile(testFile); const linkFileContent2 = await Deno.readTextFile(testFile);
assertEquals(testFileContent2, "abc"); assertEquals(testFileContent2, linkFileContent2);
await Deno.remove(testDir, { recursive: true });});
Deno.test("ensureLinkSync() ensures dest links to the src", function () { const testDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_4"); const testFile = path.join(testDir, "test.txt"); const linkFile = path.join(testDir, "link.txt");
Deno.mkdirSync(testDir, { recursive: true }); Deno.writeFileSync(testFile, new Uint8Array());
ensureLinkSync(testFile, linkFile);
const srcStat = Deno.lstatSync(testFile);
const linkStat = Deno.lstatSync(linkFile);
assertEquals(srcStat.isFile, true); assertEquals(linkStat.isFile, true);
// har link success. try to change one of them. they should be change both.
// let's change origin file. Deno.writeFileSync(testFile, new TextEncoder().encode("123"));
const testFileContent1 = new TextDecoder().decode( Deno.readFileSync(testFile), ); const linkFileContent1 = new TextDecoder().decode( Deno.readFileSync(testFile), );
assertEquals(testFileContent1, "123"); assertEquals(testFileContent1, linkFileContent1);
// let's change link file. Deno.writeFileSync(testFile, new TextEncoder().encode("abc"));
const testFileContent2 = new TextDecoder().decode( Deno.readFileSync(testFile), ); const linkFileContent2 = new TextDecoder().decode( Deno.readFileSync(testFile), );
assertEquals(testFileContent2, "abc"); assertEquals(testFileContent2, linkFileContent2);
Deno.removeSync(testDir, { recursive: true });});
Deno.test("ensureLink() rejects if link does not exist", async function () { const testDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_origin_3"); const linkDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_link_3"); const testFile = path.join(testDir, "test.txt");
await Deno.mkdir(testDir, { recursive: true }); await Deno.writeFile(testFile, new Uint8Array());
await assertRejects( async () => { await ensureLink(testDir, linkDir); }, // "Operation not permitted (os error 1)" // throw an local matching test // "Access is denied. (os error 5)" // throw in CI );
await Deno.remove(testDir, { recursive: true });});
Deno.test("ensureLinkSync() throws if link does not exist", function () { const testDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_origin_3"); const linkDir = path.join(testdataDir, "ensure_link_link_3"); const testFile = path.join(testDir, "test.txt");
Deno.mkdirSync(testDir, { recursive: true }); Deno.writeFileSync(testFile, new Uint8Array());
assertThrows( () => { ensureLinkSync(testDir, linkDir); }, // "Operation not permitted (os error 1)" // throw an local matching test // "Access is denied. (os error 5)" // throw in CI );
Deno.removeSync(testDir, { recursive: true });});