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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { encodeWhitespace } from "../_common/to_file_url.ts";import { isAbsolute } from "./is_absolute.ts";
/** * Converts a path string to a file URL. * * ```ts * import { toFileUrl } from "$STD_VERSION/path/windows/to_file_url.ts"; * * toFileUrl("\\home\\foo"); // new URL("file:///home/foo") * toFileUrl("C:\\Users\\foo"); // new URL("file:///C:/Users/foo") * toFileUrl("\\\\\\home\\foo"); // new URL("file://") * ``` * @param path to convert to file URL */export function toFileUrl(path: string): URL { if (!isAbsolute(path)) { throw new TypeError("Must be an absolute path."); } const [, hostname, pathname] = path.match( /^(?:[/\\]{2}([^/\\]+)(?=[/\\](?:[^/\\]|$)))?(.*)/, )!; const url = new URL("file:///"); url.pathname = encodeWhitespace(pathname!.replace(/%/g, "%25")); if (hostname !== undefined && hostname !== "localhost") { url.hostname = hostname; if (!url.hostname) { throw new TypeError("Invalid hostname."); } } return url;}