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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assertEquals, assertRejects } from "../assert/mod.ts";import { toTransformStream } from "./to_transform_stream.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "toTransformStream()", async fn() { const readable = ReadableStream.from([0, 1, 2]) .pipeThrough(toTransformStream(async function* (src) { for await (const i of src) { yield i * 100; } }));
const res = await Array.fromAsync(readable); assertEquals(res, [0, 100, 200]); },});
Deno.test({ name: "toTransformStream() handles iterable instead of asyncIterable", async fn() { const readable = ReadableStream.from([0, 1, 2]) .pipeThrough(toTransformStream(function* (_src) { yield 0; yield 100; yield 200; }));
const res = await Array.fromAsync(readable); assertEquals(res, [0, 100, 200]); },});
Deno.test({ name: "toTransformStream() propagates the error from readable 1", async fn(t) { // When data is pipelined in the order of readable1 → generator → readable2, // Propagate the error that occurred in readable1 to generator and readable2. const expectedError = new Error("Error from readable1"); await t.step({ name: "to readable 2", async fn() { // Propagate the error that occurred in readable1 to readable2. let actualError = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.error(expectedError); // error from readable1 }, }); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( toTransformStream(async function* (src) { for await (const i of src) { yield i; } }), );
try { await readable2.getReader().read(); } catch (error) { actualError = error; // catch error in readable2 }
assertEquals(actualError, expectedError); }, }); await t.step({ name: "to generator", async fn() { // Propagate the error that occurred in readable1 to generator. let actualError = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.error(expectedError); // error from readable1 }, }); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( toTransformStream(async function* (src) { try { await src.getReader().read(); } catch (error) { actualError = error; // catch error in generator } yield 0; }), );
await readable2.getReader().read(); assertEquals(actualError, expectedError); }, }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "toTransformStream() propagates the error from generator", async fn(t) { // When data is pipelined in the order of readable1 → generator → readable2, // Propagate the error that occurred in generator to readable2 and readable1. const expectedError = new Error("Error from generator"); let actualError1: unknown = null; let actualError2: unknown = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream({ cancel(reason) { actualError1 = reason; // catch error in readable1 }, }); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( // deno-lint-ignore require-yield toTransformStream(function* () { throw expectedError; // error from generator }), );
try { await readable2.getReader().read(); } catch (error) { actualError2 = error; // catch error in readable2 }
await t.step({ name: "to readable 1", fn() { assertEquals(actualError1, expectedError); }, }); await t.step({ name: "to readable 2", fn() { assertEquals(actualError2, expectedError); }, }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "toTransformStream() propagates cancellation from readable 2", async fn(t) { // When data is pipelined in the order of readable1 → generator → readable2, // Propagate the cancellation that occurred in readable2 to readable1 and generator. const expectedError = new Error("Error from readable2"); await t.step({ name: "to readable 1", async fn() { let actualError = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream({ cancel(reason) { actualError = reason; // catch error in readable1 }, }); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( toTransformStream(function* () { yield 0; }), );
await readable2.cancel(expectedError); // cancellation from readable2 assertEquals(actualError, expectedError); }, }); await t.step({ name: "to readable 2", async fn() { let actualError = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream(); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( toTransformStream(function* () { try { yield 0; } catch (error) { actualError = error; // catch error in generator } }), );
const reader = readable2.getReader(); await; await reader.cancel(expectedError); // cancellation from readable2 assertEquals(actualError, expectedError); }, }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "toTransformStream() handles streams cancel with the correct error message", async fn() { const src = ReadableStream.from([0, 1, 2]); // deno-lint-ignore require-yield const transform = toTransformStream(function* (src) { src.getReader(); // lock the source stream to cause error at cancel throw new Error("foo"); });
await assertRejects( async () => await Array.fromAsync(src.pipeThrough(transform)), Error, "foo", ); },});