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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { exponentialBackoffWithJitter } from "./_util.ts";import { assertEquals } from "../assert/mod.ts";
// test util to ensure deterministic results during testing of backoff function by polyfilling Math.randomfunction prngMulberry32(seed: number) { return function () { let t = (seed += 0x6d2b79f5); t = Math.imul(t ^ (t >>> 15), t | 1); t ^= t + Math.imul(t ^ (t >>> 7), t | 61); return ((t ^ (t >>> 14)) >>> 0); };}
// random seed generated with crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0]const INITIAL_SEED = 3460544849;
const expectedTimings: readonly (readonly number[] & { length: 10 })[] & { length: 10;} = [ [31, 117, 344, 9, 1469, 1060, 920, 5094, 19564, 33292], [46, 184, 377, 419, 1455, 483, 3205, 8426, 22451, 29810], [68, 17, 66, 645, 1209, 246, 3510, 4598, 398, 12813], [46, 111, 374, 626, 859, 1955, 5379, 609, 5766, 33641], [26, 129, 287, 757, 1104, 4, 2557, 4940, 16657, 6888], [80, 71, 348, 245, 743, 128, 2445, 5722, 19960, 49861], [25, 46, 341, 498, 602, 2349, 1366, 4399, 1680, 9275], [14, 174, 189, 309, 1461, 937, 1898, 2087, 9624, 18872], [65, 190, 382, 351, 826, 2502, 5657, 3967, 1063, 43754], [89, 78, 222, 668, 1027, 1397, 1293, 8295, 14077, 33602],] as const;
Deno.test("exponentialBackoffWithJitter()", () => { let nextSeed = INITIAL_SEED;
for (const row of expectedTimings) { const randUint32 = prngMulberry32(nextSeed); nextSeed = prngMulberry32(nextSeed)(); Math.random = () => randUint32() / 0x100000000;
const results: number[] = []; const base = 100; const cap = Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { const result = exponentialBackoffWithJitter(cap, base, i, 2, 1); results.push(Math.round(result)); }
assertEquals(results as typeof row, row); }});