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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertEquals, assertStrictEquals } from "../assert/mod.ts";import { debounce, type DebouncedFunction } from "./debounce.ts";import { delay } from "./delay.ts";
Deno.test("debounce() handles called", async function () { let called = 0; const d = debounce(() => called++, 100); d(); d(); d(); assertEquals(called, 0); assertEquals(d.pending, true); await delay(200); assertEquals(called, 1); assertEquals(d.pending, false);});
Deno.test("debounce() handles cancelled", async function () { let called = 0; const d = debounce(() => called++, 100); d(); d(); d(); assertEquals(called, 0); assertEquals(d.pending, true); d.clear(); await delay(200); assertEquals(called, 0); assertEquals(d.pending, false);});
Deno.test("debounce() handles flush", function () { let called = 0; const d = debounce(() => called++, 100); d(); d(); d(); assertEquals(called, 0); assertEquals(d.pending, true); d.flush(); assertEquals(called, 1); assertEquals(d.pending, false);});
Deno.test("debounce() handles params and context", async function () { const params: Array<string | number> = []; const d: DebouncedFunction<[string, number]> = debounce( function (param1: string, param2: number) { assertEquals(d.pending, false); params.push(param1); params.push(param2); assertStrictEquals(d, this); }, 100, ); // @ts-expect-error Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. d(1, 1); d("foo", 1); d("bar", 1); d("baz", 1); assertEquals(params.length, 0); assertEquals(d.pending, true); await delay(200); assertEquals(params, ["baz", 1]); assertEquals(d.pending, false);});
Deno.test("debounce() handles number and string types", async function () { const params: Array<string> = []; const fn = (param: string) => params.push(param); const d: DebouncedFunction<[string]> = debounce(fn, 100); // @ts-expect-error Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. d(1); d("foo"); assertEquals(params.length, 0); assertEquals(d.pending, true); await delay(200); assertEquals(params, ["foo"]); assertEquals(d.pending, false);});