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The Deno Standard Library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { PartialReadError } from "../io/buf_reader.ts";import type { Reader } from "../io/types.ts";
/** Base interface for {@linkcode TarMeta} */export interface TarInfo { /** * The underlying raw `st_mode` bits that contain the standard Unix * permissions for this file/directory. */ fileMode?: number; /** * Data modification time of the file at the time it was archived. It * represents the integer number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00 UTC. */ mtime?: number; /** * Numeric user ID of the file owner. This is ignored if the operating system * does not support numeric user IDs. */ uid?: number; /** * Numeric group ID of the file owner. This is ignored if the operating * system does not support numeric group IDs. */ gid?: number; /** The name of the file owner. */ owner?: string; /** The group that the file owner belongs to. */ group?: string; /** * The type of file archived. * * @see {@linkcode FileTypes} */ type?: string;}
/** Base interface for {@linkcode TarMetaWithLinkName}. */export interface TarMeta extends TarInfo { /** * The name of the file, with directory names (if any) preceding the file * name, separated by slashes. */ fileName: string; /** * The size of the file in bytes; for archive members that are symbolic or * hard links to another file, this field is specified as zero. */ fileSize?: number;}
/** The type of file archived. */export enum FileTypes { "file" = 0, "link" = 1, "symlink" = 2, "character-device" = 3, "block-device" = 4, "directory" = 5, "fifo" = 6, "contiguous-file" = 7,}
export const HEADER_LENGTH = 512;
/*struct posix_header { // byte offset char name[100]; // 0 char mode[8]; // 100 char uid[8]; // 108 char gid[8]; // 116 char size[12]; // 124 char mtime[12]; // 136 char chksum[8]; // 148 char typeflag; // 156 char linkname[100]; // 157 char magic[6]; // 257 char version[2]; // 263 char uname[32]; // 265 char gname[32]; // 297 char devmajor[8]; // 329 char devminor[8]; // 337 char prefix[155]; // 345 // 500};*/
export const USTAR_STRUCTURE = [ { field: "fileName", length: 100, }, { field: "fileMode", length: 8, }, { field: "uid", length: 8, }, { field: "gid", length: 8, }, { field: "fileSize", length: 12, }, { field: "mtime", length: 12, }, { field: "checksum", length: 8, }, { field: "type", length: 1, }, { field: "linkName", length: 100, }, { field: "ustar", length: 8, }, { field: "owner", length: 32, }, { field: "group", length: 32, }, { field: "majorNumber", length: 8, }, { field: "minorNumber", length: 8, }, { field: "fileNamePrefix", length: 155, }, { field: "padding", length: 12, },] as const;
/** * @internal */export type UstarFields = (typeof USTAR_STRUCTURE)[number]["field"];
export async function readBlock( reader: Reader, p: Uint8Array,): Promise<number | null> { let bytesRead = 0; while (bytesRead < p.length) { const rr = await; if (rr === null) { if (bytesRead === 0) { return null; } else { throw new PartialReadError(); } } bytesRead += rr; } return bytesRead;}