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The Deno Standard Library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** A library of assertion functions. * If the assertion is false an `AssertionError` will be thrown which will * result in pretty-printed diff of failing assertion. * * This module is browser compatible, but do not rely on good formatting of * values for AssertionError messages in browsers. * * ```ts * import { assert } from "$STD_VERSION/assert/assert.ts"; * * assert("I am truthy"); // Doesn't throw * assert(false); // Throws `AssertionError` * ``` * * @module */
export * from "./assert_almost_equals.ts";export * from "./assert_array_includes.ts";export * from "./assert_equals.ts";export * from "./assert_exists.ts";export * from "./assert_false.ts";export * from "./assert_greater_or_equal.ts";export * from "./assert_greater.ts";export * from "./assert_instance_of.ts";export * from "./assert_is_error.ts";export * from "./assert_less_or_equal.ts";export * from "./assert_less.ts";export * from "./assert_match.ts";export * from "./assert_not_equals.ts";export * from "./assert_not_instance_of.ts";export * from "./assert_not_match.ts";export * from "./assert_not_strict_equals.ts";export * from "./assert_object_match.ts";export * from "./assert_rejects.ts";export * from "./assert_strict_equals.ts";export * from "./assert_string_includes.ts";export * from "./assert_throws.ts";export * from "./assert.ts";export * from "./assertion_error.ts";export * from "./equal.ts";export * from "./fail.ts";export * from "./unimplemented.ts";export * from "./unreachable.ts";