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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** Return type for {@linkcode describeTextureFormat}. */export interface TextureFormatInfo { /** The specific feature needed to use the format, if any. */ requiredFeature?: GPUFeatureName; /** Type of sampling that is valid for the texture. */ sampleType: GPUTextureSampleType; /** Valid bits of {@linkcode GPUTextureUsage}. */ allowedUsages: number; /** Dimension of a "block" of texels. This is always `[1, 1]` on * uncompressed textures. */ blockDimensions: [number, number]; /** Size in bytes of a "block" of texels. This is the size per pixel on * uncompressed textures. */ blockSize: number; /** Count of components in the texture. This determines which components * there will be actual data in the shader for. */ components: number;}
const basic = GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING;const attachment = basic | GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT;const storage = basic | GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING;const allFlags = GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT;
/** * Get various information about a specific {@linkcode GPUTextureFormat}. * * @example * ```ts * import { describeTextureFormat } from "$STD_VERSION/webgpu/describe_texture_format.ts"; * * describeTextureFormat("rgba8unorm-srgb"); * ``` */export function describeTextureFormat( format: GPUTextureFormat,): TextureFormatInfo { let info: [ requiredFeatures: GPUFeatureName | undefined, sampleType: GPUTextureSampleType, usage: number, blockDimensions: [number, number], blockSize: number, components: number, ];
switch (format) { case "r8unorm": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 1, 1]; break; case "r8snorm": info = [undefined, "float", basic, [1, 1], 1, 1]; break; case "r8uint": info = [undefined, "uint", attachment, [1, 1], 1, 1]; break; case "r8sint": info = [undefined, "sint", attachment, [1, 1], 1, 1]; break;
case "r16uint": info = [undefined, "uint", attachment, [1, 1], 2, 1]; break; case "r16sint": info = [undefined, "sint", attachment, [1, 1], 2, 1]; break; case "r16float": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 2, 1]; break; case "rg8unorm": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 2, 2]; break; case "rg8snorm": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 2, 2]; break; case "rg8uint": info = [undefined, "uint", attachment, [1, 1], 2, 2]; break; case "rg8sint": info = [undefined, "sint", basic, [1, 1], 2, 2]; break;
case "r32uint": info = [undefined, "uint", allFlags, [1, 1], 4, 1]; break; case "r32sint": info = [undefined, "sint", allFlags, [1, 1], 4, 1]; break; case "r32float": info = [undefined, "unfilterable-float", allFlags, [1, 1], 4, 1]; break; case "rg16uint": info = [undefined, "uint", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 2]; break; case "rg16sint": info = [undefined, "sint", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 2]; break; case "rg16float": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 2]; break; case "rgba8unorm": info = [undefined, "float", allFlags, [1, 1], 4, 4]; break; case "rgba8unorm-srgb": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 4]; break; case "rgba8snorm": info = [undefined, "float", storage, [1, 1], 4, 4]; break; case "rgba8uint": info = [undefined, "uint", allFlags, [1, 1], 4, 4]; break; case "rgba8sint": info = [undefined, "sint", allFlags, [1, 1], 4, 4]; break; case "bgra8unorm": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 4]; break; case "bgra8unorm-srgb": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 4]; break;
case "rgb9e5ufloat": info = [undefined, "float", basic, [1, 1], 4, 3]; break;
case "rgb10a2unorm": info = [undefined, "float", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 4]; break; case "rg11b10ufloat": info = [undefined, "float", basic, [1, 1], 4, 3]; break;
case "rg32uint": info = [undefined, "uint", allFlags, [1, 1], 8, 2]; break; case "rg32sint": info = [undefined, "sint", allFlags, [1, 1], 8, 2]; break; case "rg32float": info = [undefined, "unfilterable-float", allFlags, [1, 1], 8, 2]; break; case "rgba16uint": info = [undefined, "uint", allFlags, [1, 1], 8, 4]; break; case "rgba16sint": info = [undefined, "sint", allFlags, [1, 1], 8, 4]; break; case "rgba16float": info = [undefined, "float", allFlags, [1, 1], 8, 4]; break;
case "rgba32uint": info = [undefined, "uint", allFlags, [1, 1], 16, 4]; break; case "rgba32sint": info = [undefined, "sint", allFlags, [1, 1], 16, 4]; break; case "rgba32float": info = [undefined, "float", allFlags, [1, 1], 16, 4]; break;
case "stencil8": info = [undefined, "uint", attachment, [1, 1], 1, 1]; break; case "depth16unorm": info = [undefined, "depth", attachment, [1, 1], 2, 1]; break; case "depth24plus": info = [undefined, "depth", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 1]; break; case "depth24plus-stencil8": info = [undefined, "depth", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 2]; break; case "depth32float": info = [undefined, "depth", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 1]; break;
case "depth32float-stencil8": info = ["depth32float-stencil8", "depth", attachment, [1, 1], 4, 2]; break;
case "bc1-rgba-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 4]; break; case "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 4]; break; case "bc2-rgba-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "bc3-rgba-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "bc4-r-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 1]; break; case "bc4-r-snorm": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 1]; break; case "bc5-rg-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 2]; break; case "bc5-rg-snorm": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 2]; break; case "bc6h-rgb-ufloat": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 3]; break; case "bc6h-rgb-float": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 3]; break; case "bc7-rgba-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-bc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break;
case "etc2-rgb8unorm": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 3]; break; case "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 3]; break; case "etc2-rgb8a1unorm": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 4]; break; case "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 4]; break; case "etc2-rgba8unorm": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "eac-r11unorm": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 1]; break; case "eac-r11snorm": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 8, 1]; break; case "eac-rg11unorm": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 2]; break; case "eac-rg11snorm": info = ["texture-compression-etc2", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 2]; break;
case "astc-4x4-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [4, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-5x4-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [5, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [5, 4], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-5x5-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [5, 5], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [5, 5], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-6x5-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [6, 5], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [6, 5], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-6x6-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [6, 6], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [6, 6], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-8x5-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [8, 5], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [8, 5], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-8x6-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [8, 6], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [8, 6], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-8x8-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [8, 8], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [8, 8], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-10x5-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [10, 5], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [10, 5], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-10x6-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [10, 6], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [10, 6], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-10x8-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [10, 8], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [10, 8], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-10x10-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [10, 10], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [10, 10], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-12x10-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [12, 10], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [12, 10], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-12x12-unorm": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [12, 12], 16, 4]; break; case "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb": info = ["texture-compression-astc", "float", basic, [12, 12], 16, 4]; break;
default: throw new TypeError(`Unsupported GPUTextureFormat '${format}'`); }
return { requiredFeature: info[0], sampleType: info[1], allowedUsages: info[2], blockDimensions: info[3], blockSize: info[4], components: info[5], };}