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The Deno Standard Library
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows } from "../assert/mod.ts";import { dirname, fromFileUrl, join, resolve } from "../path/mod.ts";
const moduleDir = dirname(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url));const testdataDir = resolve(moduleDir, "testdata");
type ExtractTestData = { title: string; tags: string[]; "expanded-description": string;};type ExtractFn = (str: string) => { attrs: ExtractTestData; body: string; frontMatter: string;};
export function resolveTestDataPath(filename: string): string { return join(testdataDir, filename);}
export function runTestValidInputTests( format: "yaml" | "toml" | "json" | "unknown", testFn: (str: string) => boolean,) { const testdata = [ `---${format}\nname = 'deno'\n---\n`, `= ${format} =\nname = 'deno'\n= ${format} =\n`, `= ${format} =\nname = 'deno'\n= ${format} =\ndeno is awesome\n`, ];
// yaml is the default format, so it should be recognized without the format name if (format === "yaml") { testdata.push(`---\nname: deno\n---\n`); }
testdata.forEach((str) => { assert(testFn(str)); });}
export function runTestInvalidInputTests( format: "yaml" | "toml" | "json" | "unknown", testFn: (str: string) => boolean,) { [ "", "---", `---${format}`, `= ${format} =`, "---\n", `---${format}\n`, `= ${format} =\n`, `---\nasdasdasd`, ].forEach((str) => { assert(!testFn(str)); });}
export function runExtractTypeErrorTests( format: "yaml" | "toml" | "json" | "unknown", extractFn: (str: string) => unknown,) { [ "", "---", `---${format}`, `= ${format} =`, "---\n", `---${format}\n`, `= ${format} =\n`, "---\nasdasdasd", ].forEach((str) => { assertThrows(() => extractFn(str), TypeError); });}
export async function runExtractJSONTests( extractFn: ExtractFn,) { const str = await Deno.readTextFile(resolveTestDataPath("")); const content = extractFn(str);
assert(content !== undefined); assertEquals( content.frontMatter, `{ "title": "Three dashes followed by the format marks the spot", "tags": [ "json", "front-matter" ], "expanded-description": "with some ---json πŸ™ƒ crazy stuff in it"}`, ); assertEquals( content.body, "don't break\n---\n{Also: \"---json this shouldn't be a problem\"}\n", ); assertEquals( content.attrs.title, "Three dashes followed by the format marks the spot", ); assertEquals(content.attrs.tags, ["json", "front-matter"]); assertEquals( content.attrs["expanded-description"], "with some ---json πŸ™ƒ crazy stuff in it", );}
export async function runExtractYAMLTests1( extractFn: ExtractFn,) { const str = await Deno.readTextFile(resolveTestDataPath("")); const content = extractFn(str);
assert(content !== undefined); assertEquals( content.frontMatter, `title: Three dashes marks the spottags: - yaml - front-matter - dashesexpanded-description: with some --- crazy stuff in it`, ); assertEquals( content.body, "don't break\n---\nAlso this shouldn't be a problem\n", ); assertEquals(content.attrs.title, "Three dashes marks the spot"); assertEquals(content.attrs.tags, ["yaml", "front-matter", "dashes"]); assertEquals( content.attrs["expanded-description"], "with some --- crazy stuff in it", );}
export async function runExtractYAMLTests2( extractFn: ExtractFn,) { const str = await Deno.readTextFile(resolveTestDataPath("")); const content = extractFn(str);
assert(content !== undefined); assertEquals( content.frontMatter, `title: Three dashes marks the spottags: - yaml - front-matter - dashesexpanded-description: with some --- crazy stuff in it`, ); assertEquals( content.body, "don't break\n---\nAlso this shouldn't be a problem\n", ); assertEquals(content.attrs.title, "Three dashes marks the spot"); assertEquals(content.attrs.tags, ["yaml", "front-matter", "dashes"]); assertEquals( content.attrs["expanded-description"], "with some --- crazy stuff in it", );}
export async function runExtractTOMLTests( extractFn: ExtractFn,) { const str = await Deno.readTextFile(resolveTestDataPath("")); const content = extractFn(str);
assert(content !== undefined); assertEquals( content.frontMatter, `title = 'Three dashes followed by the format marks the spot'tags = ['toml', 'front-matter']'expanded-description' = 'with some ---toml πŸ‘Œ crazy stuff in it'`, ); assertEquals( content.body, "don't break\n---\nAlso = '---toml this shouldn't be a problem'\n", ); assertEquals( content.attrs.title, "Three dashes followed by the format marks the spot", ); assertEquals(content.attrs.tags, ["toml", "front-matter"]); assertEquals( content.attrs["expanded-description"], "with some ---toml πŸ‘Œ crazy stuff in it", );}
export async function runExtractTOMLTests2( extractFn: ExtractFn,) { const str = await Deno.readTextFile(resolveTestDataPath("")); const content = extractFn(str);
assert(content !== undefined); assertEquals( content.frontMatter, `title = 'Three pluses followed by the format marks the spot'tags = ['toml', 'front-matter']'expanded-description' = 'with some +++toml πŸ‘Œ crazy stuff in it'`, ); assertEquals( content.body, "don't break\n+++\nAlso = '+++toml this shouldn't be a problem'\n", ); assertEquals( content.attrs.title, "Three pluses followed by the format marks the spot", ); assertEquals(content.attrs.tags, ["toml", "front-matter"]); assertEquals( content.attrs["expanded-description"], "with some +++toml πŸ‘Œ crazy stuff in it", );}