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Deno standard library
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// Copyright the Browserify authors. MIT License.
import { assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";import { isSubdir, getFileInfoType, PathType } from "./utils.ts";import { ensureFileSync } from "./ensure_file.ts";import { ensureDirSync } from "./ensure_dir.ts";
const testdataDir = path.resolve("fs", "testdata");
Deno.test(function _isSubdir(): void { const pairs = [ ["", "", false, path.posix.sep], ["/first/second", "/first", false, path.posix.sep], ["/first", "/first", false, path.posix.sep], ["/first", "/first/second", true, path.posix.sep], ["first", "first/second", true, path.posix.sep], ["../first", "../first/second", true, path.posix.sep], ["c:\\first", "c:\\first", false, path.win32.sep], ["c:\\first", "c:\\first\\second", true, path.win32.sep] ];
pairs.forEach(function(p): void { const src = p[0] as string; const dest = p[1] as string; const expected = p[2] as boolean; const sep = p[3] as string; assertEquals( isSubdir(src, dest, sep), expected, `'${src}' should ${expected ? "" : "not"} be parent dir of '${dest}'` ); });});
Deno.test(function _getFileInfoType(): void { const pairs = [ [path.join(testdataDir, "file_type_1"), "file"], [path.join(testdataDir, "file_type_dir_1"), "dir"] ];
pairs.forEach(function(p): void { const filePath = p[0] as string; const type = p[1] as PathType; switch (type) { case "file": ensureFileSync(filePath); break; case "dir": ensureDirSync(filePath); break; case "symlink": // TODO(axetroy): test symlink break; }
const stat = Deno.statSync(filePath);
Deno.removeSync(filePath, { recursive: true });
assertEquals(getFileInfoType(stat), type); });});