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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assertEquals } from "../../testing/asserts.ts";import { exists, existsSync } from "./_fs_exists.ts";
const { test } = Deno;
test(async function existsFile() { const availableFile = await new Promise(async (resolve) => { const tmpFilePath = await Deno.makeTempFile(); exists(tmpFilePath, (exists: boolean) => resolve(exists)); Deno.remove(tmpFilePath); }); const notAvailableFile = await new Promise((resolve) => { exists("./notAvailable.txt", (exists: boolean) => resolve(exists)); }); assertEquals(availableFile, true); assertEquals(notAvailableFile, false);});
test(function existsSyncFile() { const tmpFilePath = Deno.makeTempFileSync(); assertEquals(existsSync(tmpFilePath), true); Deno.removeSync(tmpFilePath); assertEquals(existsSync("./notAvailable.txt"), false);});