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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { parse } from "./mod.ts";
Deno.test("hyphen", function (): void { assertEquals(parse(["-n", "-"]), { n: "-", _: [] }); assertEquals(parse(["-"]), { _: ["-"] }); assertEquals(parse(["-f-"]), { f: "-", _: [] }); assertEquals(parse(["-b", "-"], { boolean: "b" }), { b: true, _: ["-"] }); assertEquals(parse(["-s", "-"], { string: "s" }), { s: "-", _: [] });});
Deno.test("doubleDash", function (): void { assertEquals(parse(["-a", "--", "b"]), { a: true, _: ["b"] }); assertEquals(parse(["--a", "--", "b"]), { a: true, _: ["b"] }); assertEquals(parse(["--a", "--", "b"]), { a: true, _: ["b"] });});
Deno.test("moveArgsAfterDoubleDashIntoOwnArray", function (): void { assertEquals( parse(["--name", "John", "before", "--", "after"], { "--": true }), { name: "John", _: ["before"], "--": ["after"], } );});