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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
type RawBaseTypes = "int8" | "int16" | "int32" | "uint8" | "uint16" | "uint32";type RawNumberTypes = RawBaseTypes | "float32" | "float64";type RawBigTypes = RawBaseTypes | "int64" | "uint64";type RawTypes = RawNumberTypes | RawBigTypes;
/** How encoded binary data is ordered. */export type Endianness = "little" | "big";
/** Options for working with the `number` type. */export interface VarnumOptions { /** The binary format used. */ dataType?: RawNumberTypes; /** The binary encoding order used. */ endian?: Endianness;}
/** Options for working with the `bigint` type. */export interface VarbigOptions { /** The binary format used. */ dataType?: RawBigTypes; /** The binary encoding order used. */ endian?: Endianness;}
const rawTypeSizes = { int8: 1, uint8: 1, int16: 2, uint16: 2, int32: 4, uint32: 4, int64: 8, uint64: 8, float32: 4, float64: 8,};
/** Returns the number of bytes required to store the given data-type. */export function sizeof(dataType: RawTypes): number { return rawTypeSizes[dataType];}
/** Reads `n` bytes from `r`. * * Returns it in a `Uint8Array`, or throws `Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof` if `n` bytes cannot be read. */export async function getNBytes( r: Deno.Reader, n: number): Promise<Uint8Array> { const scratch = new Uint8Array(n); const nRead = await; if (nRead === null || nRead < n) throw new Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof(); return scratch;}
/** Decode a number from `b`, and return it as a `number`. Data-type defaults to `int32`. * Returns `null` if `b` is too short for the data-type given in `o`. */export function varnum(b: Uint8Array, o: VarnumOptions = {}): number | null { o.dataType = o.dataType ?? "int32"; const littleEndian = (o.endian ?? "big") === "little" ? true : false; if (b.length < sizeof(o.dataType)) return null; const view = new DataView(b.buffer); switch (o.dataType) { case "int8": return view.getInt8(0); case "uint8": return view.getUint8(0); case "int16": return view.getInt16(0, littleEndian); case "uint16": return view.getUint16(0, littleEndian); case "int32": return view.getInt32(0, littleEndian); case "uint32": return view.getUint32(0, littleEndian); case "float32": return view.getFloat32(0, littleEndian); case "float64": return view.getFloat64(0, littleEndian); }}
/** Decode an integer from `b`, and return it as a `bigint`. Data-type defaults to `int64`. * Returns `null` if `b` is too short for the data-type given in `o`. */export function varbig(b: Uint8Array, o: VarbigOptions = {}): bigint | null { o.dataType = o.dataType ?? "int64"; const littleEndian = (o.endian ?? "big") === "little" ? true : false; if (b.length < sizeof(o.dataType)) return null; const view = new DataView(b.buffer); switch (o.dataType) { case "int8": return BigInt(view.getInt8(0)); case "uint8": return BigInt(view.getUint8(0)); case "int16": return BigInt(view.getInt16(0, littleEndian)); case "uint16": return BigInt(view.getUint16(0, littleEndian)); case "int32": return BigInt(view.getInt32(0, littleEndian)); case "uint32": return BigInt(view.getUint32(0, littleEndian)); case "int64": return view.getBigInt64(0, littleEndian); case "uint64": return view.getBigUint64(0, littleEndian); }}
/** Encode a number `x` into `b`, and return the number of bytes used. Data-type defaults to `int32`. * Returns 0 if `b` is too short for the data-type given in `o`. */export function putVarnum( b: Uint8Array, x: number, o: VarnumOptions = {}): number { o.dataType = o.dataType ?? "int32"; const littleEndian = (o.endian ?? "big") === "little" ? true : false; if (b.length < sizeof(o.dataType)) return 0; const view = new DataView(b.buffer); switch (o.dataType) { case "int8": view.setInt8(0, x); break; case "uint8": view.setUint8(0, x); break; case "int16": view.setInt16(0, x, littleEndian); break; case "uint16": view.setUint16(0, x, littleEndian); break; case "int32": view.setInt32(0, x, littleEndian); break; case "uint32": view.setUint32(0, x, littleEndian); break; case "float32": view.setFloat32(0, x, littleEndian); break; case "float64": view.setFloat64(0, x, littleEndian); break; } return sizeof(o.dataType);}
/** Encode an integer `x` into `b`, and return the number of bytes used. Data-type defaults to `int64`. * Returns 0 if `b` is too short for the data-type given in `o`. */export function putVarbig( b: Uint8Array, x: bigint, o: VarbigOptions = {}): number { o.dataType = o.dataType ?? "int64"; const littleEndian = (o.endian ?? "big") === "little" ? true : false; if (b.length < sizeof(o.dataType)) return 0; const view = new DataView(b.buffer); switch (o.dataType) { case "int8": view.setInt8(0, Number(x)); break; case "uint8": view.setUint8(0, Number(x)); break; case "int16": view.setInt16(0, Number(x), littleEndian); break; case "uint16": view.setUint16(0, Number(x), littleEndian); break; case "int32": view.setInt32(0, Number(x), littleEndian); break; case "uint32": view.setUint32(0, Number(x), littleEndian); break; case "int64": view.setBigInt64(0, x, littleEndian); break; case "uint64": view.setBigUint64(0, x, littleEndian); break; } return sizeof(o.dataType);}
/** Reads a number from `r`, comsuming `sizeof(o.dataType)` bytes. Data-type defaults to `int32`. * * Returns it as `number`, or throws `Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof` if not enough bytes can be read. */export async function readVarnum( r: Deno.Reader, o: VarnumOptions = {}): Promise<number> { o.dataType = o.dataType ?? "int32"; const scratch = await getNBytes(r, sizeof(o.dataType)); return varnum(scratch, o) as number;}
/** Reads an integer from `r`, comsuming `sizeof(o.dataType)` bytes. Data-type defaults to `int64`. * * Returns it as `bigint`, or throws `Deno.errors.UnexpectedEof` if not enough bytes can be read. */export async function readVarbig( r: Deno.Reader, o: VarbigOptions = {}): Promise<bigint> { o.dataType = o.dataType ?? "int64"; const scratch = await getNBytes(r, sizeof(o.dataType)); return varbig(scratch, o) as bigint;}
/** Writes a number `x` to `w`. Data-type defaults to `int32`. * * Returns the number of bytes written. */export function writeVarnum( w: Deno.Writer, x: number, o: VarnumOptions = {}): Promise<number> { o.dataType = o.dataType ?? "int32"; const scratch = new Uint8Array(sizeof(o.dataType)); putVarnum(scratch, x, o); return w.write(scratch);}
/** Writes an integer `x` to `w`. Data-type defaults to `int64`. * * Returns the number of bytes written. */export function writeVarbig( w: Deno.Writer, x: bigint, o: VarbigOptions = {}): Promise<number> { o.dataType = o.dataType ?? "int64"; const scratch = new Uint8Array(sizeof(o.dataType)); putVarbig(scratch, x, o); return w.write(scratch);}