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Deno standard library
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const { cwd, execPath, run } = Deno;import { decode } from "../encoding/utf8.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertStrContains } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { join, joinGlobs, normalize, relative, fromFileUrl,} from "../path/mod.ts";import { ExpandGlobOptions, expandGlob, expandGlobSync,} from "./expand_glob.ts";
async function expandGlobArray( globString: string, options: ExpandGlobOptions): Promise<string[]> { const paths: string[] = []; for await (const { path } of expandGlob(globString, options)) { paths.push(path); } paths.sort(); const pathsSync = [...expandGlobSync(globString, options)].map( ({ path }): string => path ); pathsSync.sort(); assertEquals(paths, pathsSync); const root = normalize(options.root || cwd()); for (const path of paths) { assert(path.startsWith(root)); } const relativePaths = (path: string): string => relative(root, path) || "." ); relativePaths.sort(); return relativePaths;}
const EG_OPTIONS: ExpandGlobOptions = { root: fromFileUrl(new URL(join("testdata", "glob"), import.meta.url)), includeDirs: true, extended: false, globstar: false,};
Deno.test("expandGlobWildcard", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = EG_OPTIONS; assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("*", options), [ "abc", "abcdef", "abcdefghi", "subdir", ]);});
Deno.test("expandGlobTrailingSeparator", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = EG_OPTIONS; assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("*/", options), ["subdir"]);});
Deno.test("expandGlobParent", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = EG_OPTIONS; assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("subdir/../*", options), [ "abc", "abcdef", "abcdefghi", "subdir", ]);});
Deno.test("expandGlobExt", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { ...EG_OPTIONS, extended: true }; assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("abc?(def|ghi)", options), [ "abc", "abcdef", ]); assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("abc*(def|ghi)", options), [ "abc", "abcdef", "abcdefghi", ]); assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("abc+(def|ghi)", options), [ "abcdef", "abcdefghi", ]); assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("abc@(def|ghi)", options), ["abcdef"]); assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("abc{def,ghi}", options), ["abcdef"]); assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("abc!(def|ghi)", options), ["abc"]);});
Deno.test("expandGlobGlobstar", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { ...EG_OPTIONS, globstar: true }; assertEquals( await expandGlobArray(joinGlobs(["**", "abc"], options), options), ["abc", join("subdir", "abc")] );});
Deno.test("expandGlobGlobstarParent", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { ...EG_OPTIONS, globstar: true }; assertEquals( await expandGlobArray(joinGlobs(["subdir", "**", ".."], options), options), ["."] );});
Deno.test("expandGlobIncludeDirs", async function (): Promise<void> { const options = { ...EG_OPTIONS, includeDirs: false }; assertEquals(await expandGlobArray("subdir", options), []);});
Deno.test("expandGlobPermError", async function (): Promise<void> { const exampleUrl = new URL("testdata/expand_wildcard.js", import.meta.url); const p = run({ cmd: [execPath(), "run", "--unstable", exampleUrl.toString()], stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); assertEquals(await p.status(), { code: 1, success: false }); assertEquals(decode(await p.output()), ""); assertStrContains( decode(await p.stderrOutput()), "Uncaught PermissionDenied" ); p.close();});