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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { Logger } from "./logger.ts";import { BaseHandler, ConsoleHandler, WriterHandler, FileHandler, RotatingFileHandler,} from "./handlers.ts";import { assert } from "../_util/assert.ts";import type { LevelName } from "./levels.ts";
export { LogLevels, LevelName } from "./levels.ts";export { Logger } from "./logger.ts";
export class LoggerConfig { level?: LevelName; handlers?: string[];}
export interface LogConfig { handlers?: { [name: string]: BaseHandler; }; loggers?: { [name: string]: LoggerConfig; };}
const DEFAULT_LEVEL = "INFO";const DEFAULT_CONFIG: LogConfig = { handlers: { default: new ConsoleHandler(DEFAULT_LEVEL), },
loggers: { default: { level: DEFAULT_LEVEL, handlers: ["default"], }, },};
const state = { handlers: new Map<string, BaseHandler>(), loggers: new Map<string, Logger>(), config: DEFAULT_CONFIG,};
export const handlers = { BaseHandler, ConsoleHandler, WriterHandler, FileHandler, RotatingFileHandler,};
export function getLogger(name?: string): Logger { if (!name) { const d = state.loggers.get("default"); assert( d != null, `"default" logger must be set for getting logger without name` ); return d; } const result = state.loggers.get(name); if (!result) { const logger = new Logger(name, "NOTSET", { handlers: [] }); state.loggers.set(name, logger); return logger; } return result;}
export function debug<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined;export function debug<T>( msg: T extends Function ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T;export function debug<T>( msg: (T extends Function ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined { // Assist TS compiler with pass-through generic type if (msg instanceof Function) { return getLogger("default").debug(msg, ...args); } return getLogger("default").debug(msg, ...args);}
export function info<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined;export function info<T>( msg: T extends Function ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T;export function info<T>( msg: (T extends Function ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined { // Assist TS compiler with pass-through generic type if (msg instanceof Function) { return getLogger("default").info(msg, ...args); } return getLogger("default").info(msg, ...args);}
export function warning<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined;export function warning<T>( msg: T extends Function ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T;export function warning<T>( msg: (T extends Function ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined { // Assist TS compiler with pass-through generic type if (msg instanceof Function) { return getLogger("default").warning(msg, ...args); } return getLogger("default").warning(msg, ...args);}
export function error<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined;export function error<T>( msg: T extends Function ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T;export function error<T>( msg: (T extends Function ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined { // Assist TS compiler with pass-through generic type if (msg instanceof Function) { return getLogger("default").error(msg, ...args); } return getLogger("default").error(msg, ...args);}
export function critical<T>(msg: () => T, ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined;export function critical<T>( msg: T extends Function ? never : T, ...args: unknown[]): T;export function critical<T>( msg: (T extends Function ? never : T) | (() => T), ...args: unknown[]): T | undefined { // Assist TS compiler with pass-through generic type if (msg instanceof Function) { return getLogger("default").critical(msg, ...args); } return getLogger("default").critical(msg, ...args);}
export async function setup(config: LogConfig): Promise<void> { state.config = { handlers: { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG.handlers, ...config.handlers }, loggers: { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG.loggers, ...config.loggers }, };
// tear down existing handlers state.handlers.forEach((handler): void => { handler.destroy(); }); state.handlers.clear();
// setup handlers const handlers = state.config.handlers || {};
for (const handlerName in handlers) { const handler = handlers[handlerName]; await handler.setup(); state.handlers.set(handlerName, handler); }
// remove existing loggers state.loggers.clear();
// setup loggers const loggers = state.config.loggers || {}; for (const loggerName in loggers) { const loggerConfig = loggers[loggerName]; const handlerNames = loggerConfig.handlers || []; const handlers: BaseHandler[] = [];
handlerNames.forEach((handlerName): void => { const handler = state.handlers.get(handlerName); if (handler) { handlers.push(handler); } });
const levelName = loggerConfig.level || DEFAULT_LEVEL; const logger = new Logger(loggerName, levelName, { handlers: handlers }); state.loggers.set(loggerName, logger); }}
await setup(DEFAULT_CONFIG);