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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows, assertThrowsAsync,} from "../testing/asserts.ts";import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";import { MultipartReader, MultipartWriter, isFormFile, matchAfterPrefix, scanUntilBoundary,} from "./multipart.ts";import { StringWriter } from "../io/writers.ts";
const e = new TextEncoder();const boundary = "--abcde";const dashBoundary = e.encode("--" + boundary);const nlDashBoundary = e.encode("\r\n--" + boundary);const testdataDir = path.resolve("mime", "testdata");
Deno.test("multipartScanUntilBoundary1", function (): void { const data = `--${boundary}`; const n = scanUntilBoundary( e.encode(data), dashBoundary, nlDashBoundary, 0, true ); assertEquals(n, null);});
Deno.test("multipartScanUntilBoundary2", function (): void { const data = `foo\r\n--${boundary}`; const n = scanUntilBoundary( e.encode(data), dashBoundary, nlDashBoundary, 0, true ); assertEquals(n, 3);});
Deno.test("multipartScanUntilBoundary3", function (): void { const data = `foobar`; const n = scanUntilBoundary( e.encode(data), dashBoundary, nlDashBoundary, 0, false ); assertEquals(n, data.length);});
Deno.test("multipartScanUntilBoundary4", function (): void { const data = `foo\r\n--`; const n = scanUntilBoundary( e.encode(data), dashBoundary, nlDashBoundary, 0, false ); assertEquals(n, 3);});
Deno.test("multipartMatchAfterPrefix1", function (): void { const data = `${boundary}\r`; const v = matchAfterPrefix(e.encode(data), e.encode(boundary), false); assertEquals(v, 1);});
Deno.test("multipartMatchAfterPrefix2", function (): void { const data = `${boundary}hoge`; const v = matchAfterPrefix(e.encode(data), e.encode(boundary), false); assertEquals(v, -1);});
Deno.test("multipartMatchAfterPrefix3", function (): void { const data = `${boundary}`; const v = matchAfterPrefix(e.encode(data), e.encode(boundary), false); assertEquals(v, 0);});
Deno.test("multipartMultipartWriter", async function (): Promise<void> { const buf = new Deno.Buffer(); const mw = new MultipartWriter(buf); await mw.writeField("foo", "foo"); await mw.writeField("bar", "bar"); const f = await"./mime/testdata/sample.txt"), { read: true, }); await mw.writeFile("file", "sample.txt", f); await mw.close(); f.close();});
Deno.test("multipartMultipartWriter2", function (): void { const w = new StringWriter(); assertThrows( (): MultipartWriter => new MultipartWriter(w, ""), Error, "invalid boundary length" ); assertThrows( (): MultipartWriter => new MultipartWriter( w, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + "aaaaaaaa" ), Error, "invalid boundary length" ); assertThrows( (): MultipartWriter => new MultipartWriter(w, "aaa aaa"), Error, "invalid boundary character" ); assertThrows( (): MultipartWriter => new MultipartWriter(w, "boundary¥¥"), Error, "invalid boundary character" );});
Deno.test("multipartMultipartWriter3", async function (): Promise<void> { const w = new StringWriter(); const mw = new MultipartWriter(w); await mw.writeField("foo", "foo"); await mw.close(); await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise<void> => { await mw.close(); }, Error, "closed" ); await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise<void> => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any await mw.writeFile("bar", "file", null as any); }, Error, "closed" ); await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise<void> => { await mw.writeField("bar", "bar"); }, Error, "closed" ); assertThrows( (): void => { mw.createFormField("bar"); }, Error, "closed" ); assertThrows( (): void => { mw.createFormFile("bar", "file"); }, Error, "closed" );});
Deno.test({ name: "[mime/multipart] readForm() basic", async fn() { const o = await"./mime/testdata/sample.txt")); const mr = new MultipartReader( o, "--------------------------434049563556637648550474" ); const form = await mr.readForm(); assertEquals(form.value("foo"), "foo"); assertEquals(form.value("bar"), "bar"); const file = form.file("file"); assert(isFormFile(file)); assert(file.content !== void 0); const file2 = form.file("file2"); assert(isFormFile(file2)); assert(file2.filename === "中文.json"); assert(file2.content !== void 0); o.close(); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[mime/multipart] readForm() should store big file completely in temp file", async fn() { const multipartFile = path.join(testdataDir, "form-data.dat"); const sampleFile = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const writer = await, { write: true, create: true, });
const size = 1 << 24; // 16mb
await Deno.truncate(sampleFile, size); const bigFile = await, { read: true });
const mw = new MultipartWriter(writer); await mw.writeField("deno", "land"); await mw.writeField("bar", "bar"); await mw.writeFile("file", "sample.bin", bigFile);
await mw.close(); writer.close(); bigFile.close();
const o = await; const mr = new MultipartReader(o, mw.boundary); // use low-memory to write "file" into temp file. const form = await mr.readForm(20); try { assertEquals(form.value("deno"), "land"); assertEquals(form.value("bar"), "bar"); let file = form.file("file"); if (Array.isArray(file)) { file = file[0]; } assert(file != null); assert(file.tempfile != null); assertEquals(file.size, size); assertEquals(file.type, "application/octet-stream"); // TODO checksum of tmp & sampleFile } finally { await Deno.remove(multipartFile); await Deno.remove(sampleFile); await form.removeAll(); o.close(); } },});
Deno.test({ name: "[mime/multipart] removeAll() should remove all tempfiles", async fn() { const o = await"./mime/testdata/sample.txt")); const mr = new MultipartReader( o, "--------------------------434049563556637648550474" ); const form = await mr.readForm(20); let file = form.file("file"); if (Array.isArray(file)) { file = file[0]; } assert(file != null); const { tempfile, content } = file; assert(tempfile != null); assert(content == null); const stat = await Deno.stat(tempfile); assertEquals(stat.size, file.size); await form.removeAll(); await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await Deno.stat(tempfile); }, Deno.errors.NotFound); o.close(); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[mime/multipart] entries()", async fn() { const o = await"./mime/testdata/sample.txt")); const mr = new MultipartReader( o, "--------------------------434049563556637648550474" ); const form = await mr.readForm(); const map = new Map(form.entries()); assertEquals(map.get("foo"), "foo"); assertEquals(map.get("bar"), "bar"); const file = map.get("file"); assert(isFormFile(file)); assertEquals(file.filename, "tsconfig.json"); o.close(); },});