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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.//// Adapted from Node.js. Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.//// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the// following conditions://// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.//// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
const _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
const _isObjectLike = (value: unknown): boolean => value !== null && typeof value === "object";
const _isFunctionLike = (value: unknown): boolean => value !== null && typeof value === "function";
export function isAnyArrayBuffer(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && ( === "[object ArrayBuffer]" || === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]") );}
export function isArrayBufferView(value: unknown): boolean { return ArrayBuffer.isView(value);}
export function isArgumentsObject(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Arguments]";}
export function isArrayBuffer(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object ArrayBuffer]" );}
export function isAsyncFunction(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isFunctionLike(value) && === "[object AsyncFunction]" );}
export function isBigInt64Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object BigInt64Array]" );}
export function isBigUint64Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object BigUint64Array]" );}
export function isBooleanObject(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Boolean]";}
export function isBoxedPrimitive(value: unknown): boolean { return ( isBooleanObject(value) || isStringObject(value) || isNumberObject(value) || isSymbolObject(value) || isBigIntObject(value) );}
export function isDataView(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object DataView]";}
export function isDate(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Date]";}
// isExternal: Not implemented
export function isFloat32Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Float32Array]" );}
export function isFloat64Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Float64Array]" );}
export function isGeneratorFunction(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isFunctionLike(value) && === "[object GeneratorFunction]" );}
export function isGeneratorObject(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Generator]";}
export function isInt8Array(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Int8Array]";}
export function isInt16Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Int16Array]" );}
export function isInt32Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Int32Array]" );}
export function isMap(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Map]";}
export function isMapIterator(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Map Iterator]" );}
export function isModuleNamespaceObject(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Module]";}
export function isNativeError(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Error]";}
export function isNumberObject(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Number]";}
export function isBigIntObject(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object BigInt]";}
export function isPromise(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Promise]";}
export function isRegExp(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object RegExp]";}
export function isSet(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Set]";}
export function isSetIterator(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Set Iterator]" );}
export function isSharedArrayBuffer(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]" );}
export function isStringObject(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object String]";}
export function isSymbolObject(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Symbol]";}
// Adapted from Lodashexport function isTypedArray(value: unknown): boolean { /** Used to match `toStringTag` values of typed arrays. */ const reTypedTag = /^\[object (?:Float(?:32|64)|(?:Int|Uint)(?:8|16|32)|Uint8Clamped)Array\]$/; return _isObjectLike(value) && reTypedTag.test(;}
export function isUint8Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Uint8Array]" );}
export function isUint8ClampedArray(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Uint8ClampedArray]" );}
export function isUint16Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Uint16Array]" );}
export function isUint32Array(value: unknown): boolean { return ( _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object Uint32Array]" );}
export function isWeakMap(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object WeakMap]";}
export function isWeakSet(value: unknown): boolean { return _isObjectLike(value) && === "[object WeakSet]";}