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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { deferred } from "../async/mod.ts";import { fail } from "../testing/asserts.ts";
export type BinaryEncodings = "binary";
export type TextEncodings = | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "latin1" | "hex";
export type Encodings = BinaryEncodings | TextEncodings;
export function notImplemented(msg?: string): never { const message = msg ? `Not implemented: ${msg}` : "Not implemented"; throw new Error(message);}
export type _TextDecoder = typeof TextDecoder.prototype;export const _TextDecoder = TextDecoder;
export type _TextEncoder = typeof TextEncoder.prototype;export const _TextEncoder = TextEncoder;
// API helpers
export type MaybeNull<T> = T | null;export type MaybeDefined<T> = T | undefined;export type MaybeEmpty<T> = T | null | undefined;
export function intoCallbackAPI<T>( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any func: (...args: any[]) => Promise<T>, cb: MaybeEmpty<(err: MaybeNull<Error>, value: MaybeEmpty<T>) => void>, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...args: any[]): void { func(...args) .then((value) => cb && cb(null, value)) .catch((err) => cb && cb(err, null));}
export function intoCallbackAPIWithIntercept<T1, T2>( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any func: (...args: any[]) => Promise<T1>, interceptor: (v: T1) => T2, cb: MaybeEmpty<(err: MaybeNull<Error>, value: MaybeEmpty<T2>) => void>, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...args: any[]): void { func(...args) .then((value) => cb && cb(null, interceptor(value))) .catch((err) => cb && cb(err, null));}
export function spliceOne(list: string[], index: number): void { for (; index + 1 < list.length; index++) list[index] = list[index + 1]; list.pop();}
// Taken from: Return undefined if there is no match.// Move the "slow cases" to a separate function to make sure this function gets// inlined properly. That prioritizes the common case.export function normalizeEncoding( enc: string | null,): TextEncodings | undefined { if (enc == null || enc === "utf8" || enc === "utf-8") return "utf8"; return slowCases(enc);}
// slowCases(enc: string): TextEncodings | undefined { switch (enc.length) { case 4: if (enc === "UTF8") return "utf8"; if (enc === "ucs2" || enc === "UCS2") return "utf16le"; enc = `${enc}`.toLowerCase(); if (enc === "utf8") return "utf8"; if (enc === "ucs2") return "utf16le"; break; case 3: if (enc === "hex" || enc === "HEX" || `${enc}`.toLowerCase() === "hex") { return "hex"; } break; case 5: if (enc === "ascii") return "ascii"; if (enc === "ucs-2") return "utf16le"; if (enc === "UTF-8") return "utf8"; if (enc === "ASCII") return "ascii"; if (enc === "UCS-2") return "utf16le"; enc = `${enc}`.toLowerCase(); if (enc === "utf-8") return "utf8"; if (enc === "ascii") return "ascii"; if (enc === "ucs-2") return "utf16le"; break; case 6: if (enc === "base64") return "base64"; if (enc === "latin1" || enc === "binary") return "latin1"; if (enc === "BASE64") return "base64"; if (enc === "LATIN1" || enc === "BINARY") return "latin1"; enc = `${enc}`.toLowerCase(); if (enc === "base64") return "base64"; if (enc === "latin1" || enc === "binary") return "latin1"; break; case 7: if ( enc === "utf16le" || enc === "UTF16LE" || `${enc}`.toLowerCase() === "utf16le" ) { return "utf16le"; } break; case 8: if ( enc === "utf-16le" || enc === "UTF-16LE" || `${enc}`.toLowerCase() === "utf-16le" ) { return "utf16le"; } break; default: if (enc === "") return "utf8"; }}
export function validateIntegerRange( value: number, name: string, min = -2147483648, max = 2147483647,): void { // The defaults for min and max correspond to the limits of 32-bit integers. if (!Number.isInteger(value)) { throw new Error(`${name} must be 'an integer' but was ${value}`); }
if (value < min || value > max) { throw new Error( `${name} must be >= ${min} && <= ${max}. Value was ${value}`, ); }}
type OptionalSpread<T> = T extends undefined ? [] : [T];
export function once<T = undefined>( callback: (...args: OptionalSpread<T>) => void,) { let called = false; return function (this: unknown, ...args: OptionalSpread<T>) { if (called) return; called = true; callback.apply(this, args); };}
/** * @param {number} [expectedExecutions = 1] * @param {number} [timeout = 1000] Milliseconds to wait before the promise is forcefully exited*/export function mustCall<T extends unknown[]>( fn: ((...args: T) => void) = () => {}, expectedExecutions = 1, timeout = 1000,): [Promise<void>, (...args: T) => void] { if (expectedExecutions < 1) { throw new Error("Expected executions can't be lower than 1"); } let timesExecuted = 0; const completed = deferred();
const abort = setTimeout(() => completed.reject(), timeout);
function callback(this: unknown, ...args: T) { timesExecuted++; if (timesExecuted === expectedExecutions) { completed.resolve(); } fn.apply(this, args); }
const result = completed .then(() => clearTimeout(abort)) .catch(() => fail( `Async operation not completed: Expected ${expectedExecutions}, executed ${timesExecuted}`, ) );
return [ result, callback, ];}