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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { parse } from "./mod.ts";
Deno.test("flagBooleanDefaultFalse", function (): void { const argv = parse(["moo"], { boolean: ["t", "verbose"], default: { verbose: false, t: false }, });
assertEquals(argv, { verbose: false, t: false, _: ["moo"], });
assertEquals(typeof argv.verbose, "boolean"); assertEquals(typeof argv.t, "boolean");});
Deno.test("booleanGroups", function (): void { const argv = parse(["-x", "-z", "one", "two", "three"], { boolean: ["x", "y", "z"], });
assertEquals(argv, { x: true, y: false, z: true, _: ["one", "two", "three"], });
assertEquals(typeof argv.x, "boolean"); assertEquals(typeof argv.y, "boolean"); assertEquals(typeof argv.z, "boolean");});
Deno.test("booleanAndAliasWithChainableApi", function (): void { const aliased = ["-h", "derp"]; const regular = ["--herp", "derp"]; const aliasedArgv = parse(aliased, { boolean: "herp", alias: { h: "herp" }, }); const propertyArgv = parse(regular, { boolean: "herp", alias: { h: "herp" }, }); const expected = { herp: true, h: true, _: ["derp"], };
assertEquals(aliasedArgv, expected); assertEquals(propertyArgv, expected);});
Deno.test("booleanAndAliasWithOptionsHash", function (): void { const aliased = ["-h", "derp"]; const regular = ["--herp", "derp"]; const opts = { alias: { h: "herp" }, boolean: "herp", }; const aliasedArgv = parse(aliased, opts); const propertyArgv = parse(regular, opts); const expected = { herp: true, h: true, _: ["derp"], }; assertEquals(aliasedArgv, expected); assertEquals(propertyArgv, expected);});
Deno.test("booleanAndAliasArrayWithOptionsHash", function (): void { const aliased = ["-h", "derp"]; const regular = ["--herp", "derp"]; const alt = ["--harp", "derp"]; const opts = { alias: { h: ["herp", "harp"] }, boolean: "h", }; const aliasedArgv = parse(aliased, opts); const propertyArgv = parse(regular, opts); const altPropertyArgv = parse(alt, opts); const expected = { harp: true, herp: true, h: true, _: ["derp"], }; assertEquals(aliasedArgv, expected); assertEquals(propertyArgv, expected); assertEquals(altPropertyArgv, expected);});
Deno.test("booleanAndAliasUsingExplicitTrue", function (): void { const aliased = ["-h", "true"]; const regular = ["--herp", "true"]; const opts = { alias: { h: "herp" }, boolean: "h", }; const aliasedArgv = parse(aliased, opts); const propertyArgv = parse(regular, opts); const expected = { herp: true, h: true, _: [], };
assertEquals(aliasedArgv, expected); assertEquals(propertyArgv, expected);});
// regression, see boolean and --x=trueDeno.test("booleanAndNonBoolean", function (): void { const parsed = parse(["--boool", "--other=true"], { boolean: "boool", });
assertEquals(parsed.boool, true); assertEquals(parsed.other, "true");
const parsed2 = parse(["--boool", "--other=false"], { boolean: "boool", });
assertEquals(parsed2.boool, true); assertEquals(parsed2.other, "false");});
Deno.test("booleanParsingTrue", function (): void { const parsed = parse(["--boool=true"], { default: { boool: false, }, boolean: ["boool"], });
assertEquals(parsed.boool, true);});
Deno.test("booleanParsingFalse", function (): void { const parsed = parse(["--boool=false"], { default: { boool: true, }, boolean: ["boool"], });
assertEquals(parsed.boool, false);});
Deno.test("booleanParsingTrueLike", function (): void { const parsed = parse(["-t", "true123"], { boolean: ["t"] }); assertEquals(parsed.t, true);
const parsed2 = parse(["-t", "123"], { boolean: ["t"] }); assertEquals(parsed2.t, true);
const parsed3 = parse(["-t", "false123"], { boolean: ["t"] }); assertEquals(parsed3.t, true);});
Deno.test("booleanNegationAfterBoolean", function (): void { const parsed = parse(["--foo", "--no-foo"], { boolean: ["foo"] }); assertEquals(, false);
const parsed2 = parse(["--foo", "--no-foo", "123"], { boolean: ["foo"] }); assertEquals(, false);});
Deno.test("booleanAfterBooleanNegation", function (): void { const parsed = parse(["--no--foo", "--foo"], { boolean: ["foo"] }); assertEquals(, true);
const parsed2 = parse(["--no--foo", "--foo", "123"], { boolean: ["foo"] }); assertEquals(, true);});
Deno.test("latestFlagIsBooleanNegation", function (): void { const parsed = parse(["--no-foo", "--foo", "--no-foo"], { boolean: ["foo"] }); assertEquals(, false);
const parsed2 = parse(["--no-foo", "--foo", "--no-foo", "123"], { boolean: ["foo"], }); assertEquals(, false);});
Deno.test("latestFlagIsBoolean", function (): void { const parsed = parse(["--foo", "--no-foo", "--foo"], { boolean: ["foo"] }); assertEquals(, true);
const parsed2 = parse(["--foo", "--no-foo", "--foo", "123"], { boolean: ["foo"], }); assertEquals(, true);});