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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assert, assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertStringIncludes,} from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { BufReader } from "../io/bufio.ts";import { TextProtoReader } from "../textproto/mod.ts";import { Response, ServerRequest } from "./server.ts";import { FileServerArgs, serveFile } from "./file_server.ts";import { dirname, fromFileUrl, join, resolve } from "../path/mod.ts";let fileServer: Deno.Process<Deno.RunOptions & { stdout: "piped" }>;
type FileServerCfg = Omit<FileServerArgs, "_"> & { target?: string };
const moduleDir = dirname(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url));const testdataDir = resolve(moduleDir, "testdata");
async function startFileServer({ target = ".", port = 4507, "dir-listing": dirListing = true, dotfiles = true,}: FileServerCfg = {}): Promise<void> { fileServer ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--quiet", "--allow-read", "--allow-net", "file_server.ts", target, "--cors", "-p", `${port}`, `${dirListing ? "" : "--no-dir-listing"}`, `${dotfiles ? "" : "--no-dotfiles"}`, ], cwd: moduleDir, stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }); // Once fileServer is ready it will write to its stdout. assert(fileServer.stdout != null); const r = new TextProtoReader(new BufReader(fileServer.stdout)); const s = await r.readLine(); assert(s !== null && s.includes("server listening"));}
async function startFileServerAsLibrary({}: FileServerCfg = {}): Promise<void> { fileServer = await{ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--quiet", "--allow-read", "--allow-net", "testdata/file_server_as_library.ts", ], cwd: moduleDir, stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }); assert(fileServer.stdout != null); const r = new TextProtoReader(new BufReader(fileServer.stdout)); const s = await r.readLine(); assert(s !== null && s.includes("Server running..."));}
async function killFileServer(): Promise<void> { fileServer.close(); // Process.close() kills the file server process. However this termination // happens asynchronously, and since we've just closed the process resource, // we can't use `await fileServer.status()` to wait for the process to have // exited. As a workaround, wait for its stdout to close instead. // TODO(piscisaureus): when `Process.kill()` is stable and works on Windows, // switch to calling `kill()` followed by `await fileServer.status()`. await Deno.readAll(fileServer.stdout!); fileServer.stdout!.close();}
interface StringResponse extends Response { body: string;}
/* HTTP GET request allowing arbitrary paths */async function fetchExactPath( hostname: string, port: number, path: string,): Promise<StringResponse> { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const request = encoder.encode("GET " + path + " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"); let conn: void | Deno.Conn; try { conn = await Deno.connect( { hostname: hostname, port: port, transport: "tcp" }, ); await Deno.writeAll(conn, request); let currentResult = ""; let contentLength = -1; let startOfBody = -1; for await (const chunk of Deno.iter(conn)) { currentResult += decoder.decode(chunk); if (contentLength === -1) { const match = /^content-length: (.*)$/m.exec(currentResult); if (match && match[1]) { contentLength = Number(match[1]); } } if (startOfBody === -1) { const ind = currentResult.indexOf("\r\n\r\n"); if (ind !== -1) { startOfBody = ind + 4; } } if (startOfBody !== -1 && contentLength !== -1) { const byteLen = encoder.encode(currentResult).length; if (byteLen >= contentLength + startOfBody) { break; } } } const status = /^HTTP\/1.1 (...)/.exec(currentResult); let statusCode = 0; if (status && status[1]) { statusCode = Number(status[1]); }
const body = currentResult.slice(startOfBody); const headersStr = currentResult.slice(0, startOfBody); const headersReg = /^(.*): (.*)$/mg; const headersObj: { [i: string]: string } = {}; let match = headersReg.exec(headersStr); while (match !== null) { if (match[1] && match[2]) { headersObj[match[1]] = match[2]; } match = headersReg.exec(headersStr); } return { status: statusCode, headers: new Headers(headersObj), body: body, }; } finally { if (conn) { Deno.close(conn.rid); } }}
Deno.test( "file_server serveFile", async (): Promise<void> => { await startFileServer(); try { const res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/"); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); assertEquals(res.headers.get("content-type"), "text/markdown"); const downloadedFile = await res.text(); const localFile = new TextDecoder().decode( await Deno.readFile(join(moduleDir, "")), ); assertEquals(downloadedFile, localFile); } finally { await killFileServer(); } },);
Deno.test( "file_server serveFile in testdata", async (): Promise<void> => { await startFileServer({ target: "./testdata" }); try { const res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/hello.html"); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); assertEquals(res.headers.get("content-type"), "text/html"); const downloadedFile = await res.text(); const localFile = new TextDecoder().decode( await Deno.readFile(join(testdataDir, "hello.html")), ); assertEquals(downloadedFile, localFile); } finally { await killFileServer(); } },);
Deno.test("serveDirectory", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer(); try { const res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/"); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); const page = await res.text(); assert(page.includes(""));
// `Deno.FileInfo` is not completely compatible with Windows yet // TODO(bartlomieju): `mode` should work correctly in the future. // Correct this test case accordingly. !== "windows" && assert(/<td class="mode">(\s)*\([a-zA-Z-]{10}\)(\s)*<\/td>/.test(page)); === "windows" && assert(/<td class="mode">(\s)*\(unknown mode\)(\s)*<\/td>/.test(page)); assert(page.includes(`<a href="/"></a>`)); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("serveFallback", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer(); try { const res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/badfile.txt"); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); assertEquals(res.status, 404); const _ = await res.text(); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("checkPathTraversal", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer(); try { const res = await fetch( "http://localhost:4507/../../../../../../../..", ); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); assertEquals(res.status, 200); const listing = await res.text(); assertStringIncludes(listing, ""); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("checkPathTraversalNoLeadingSlash", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer(); try { const res = await fetchExactPath("", 4507, "../../../.."); assertEquals(res.status, 400); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("checkPathTraversalAbsoluteURI", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer(); try { //allowed per const res = await fetchExactPath( "", 4507, "http://localhost/../../../..", ); assertEquals(res.status, 200); assertStringIncludes(res.body, ""); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("checkURIEncodedPathTraversal", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer(); try { const res = await fetch( "http://localhost:4507/%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..", ); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); assertEquals(res.status, 404); const _ = await res.text(); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("serveWithUnorthodoxFilename", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer(); try { let res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/testdata/%"); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); assertEquals(res.status, 200); let _ = await res.text(); res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/testdata/test%20file.txt"); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); assertEquals(res.status, 200); _ = await res.text(); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("printHelp", async function (): Promise<void> { const helpProcess ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--quiet", // TODO(ry) It ought to be possible to get the help output without // --allow-read. "--allow-read", "file_server.ts", "--help", ], cwd: moduleDir, stdout: "piped", }); assert(helpProcess.stdout != null); const r = new TextProtoReader(new BufReader(helpProcess.stdout)); const s = await r.readLine(); assert(s !== null && s.includes("Deno File Server")); helpProcess.close(); helpProcess.stdout.close();});
Deno.test("contentType", async () => { const request = new ServerRequest(); const response = await serveFile(request, join(testdataDir, "hello.html")); const contentType = response.headers!.get("content-type"); assertEquals(contentType, "text/html"); (response.body as Deno.File).close();});
Deno.test("file_server running as library", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServerAsLibrary(); try { const res = await fetch("http://localhost:8000"); assertEquals(res.status, 200); const _ = await res.text(); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("file_server should ignore query params", async () => { await startFileServer(); try { const res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/"); assertEquals(res.status, 200); const downloadedFile = await res.text(); const localFile = new TextDecoder().decode( await Deno.readFile(join(moduleDir, "")), ); assertEquals(downloadedFile, localFile); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
async function startTlsFileServer({ target = ".", port = 4577,}: FileServerCfg = {}): Promise<void> { fileServer ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--quiet", "--allow-read", "--allow-net", "file_server.ts", target, "--host", "localhost", "--cert", "./testdata/tls/localhost.crt", "--key", "./testdata/tls/localhost.key", "--cors", "-p", `${port}`, ], cwd: moduleDir, stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }); // Once fileServer is ready it will write to its stdout. assert(fileServer.stdout != null); const r = new TextProtoReader(new BufReader(fileServer.stdout)); const s = await r.readLine(); assert(s !== null && s.includes("server listening"));}
Deno.test("serveDirectory TLS", async function (): Promise<void> { await startTlsFileServer(); try { // Valid request after invalid const conn = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname: "localhost", port: 4577, certFile: join(testdataDir, "tls/RootCA.pem"), });
await Deno.writeAll( conn, new TextEncoder().encode("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"), ); const res = new Uint8Array(128 * 1024); const nread = await; assert(nread !== null); conn.close(); const page = new TextDecoder().decode(res.subarray(0, nread)); assert(page.includes("<title>Deno File Server</title>")); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("partial TLS arguments fail", async function (): Promise<void> { fileServer ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--quiet", "--allow-read", "--allow-net", "file_server.ts", ".", "--host", "localhost", "--cert", "./testdata/tls/localhost.crt", "-p", `4578`, ], cwd: moduleDir, stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }); try { // Once fileServer is ready it will write to its stdout. assert(fileServer.stdout != null); const r = new TextProtoReader(new BufReader(fileServer.stdout)); const s = await r.readLine(); assert( s !== null && s.includes("--key and --cert are required for TLS"), ); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("file_server disable dir listings", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer({ "dir-listing": false }); try { const res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/"); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-origin")); assert(res.headers.has("access-control-allow-headers")); assertEquals(res.status, 404); const _ = await res.text(); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("file_server do not show dotfiles", async function (): Promise<void> { await startFileServer({ target: "./testdata", dotfiles: false }); try { let res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/"); assert(!(await res.text()).includes(".dotfile"));
res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/.dotfile"); assertEquals((await res.text()), "dotfile"); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});
Deno.test("file_server should show .. if it makes sense", async function (): Promise< void> { await startFileServer(); try { let res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/"); let page = await res.text(); assert(!page.includes("../")); assert(page.includes("testdata/"));
res = await fetch("http://localhost:4507/testdata/"); page = await res.text(); assert(page.includes("../")); } finally { await killFileServer(); }});