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Deno standard library
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --unstable -A// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// The script for easily running the Node.js script with Deno using Node.JS// compatibility library (std/node).import { createRequire } from "./module.ts";import "./global.ts";
function usage() { console.log(`Usage: node [options] <script.js> [arguments]
Runs Node.js script with Deno using Node.js compatibility library.
Options: -h, --help print node command line options`);}
const opts = { help: false,};
const args = [...Deno.args];let arg: string | undefined = undefined;let script: string | undefined = undefined;// We don't use std/flags to parse the cli options because we need to separate// options for node/main.ts and the options for the node.js script.// deno-lint-ignore no-cond-assignwhile (arg = args.shift()) { if (arg === "-h" || arg === "--help") { = true; continue; } else if (arg.startsWith("-")) { // Ignores unknown option continue; } else { // The first non-option is the main Node.js script script = arg; // Breaks here to keep the rest of args which will be passed to // the main Node.js script break; }}
if ( { usage(); Deno.exit(0);}
if (!script) { usage(); Deno.exit(1);}
// deno-lint-ignore no-undefprocess.argv = ["", script, ...args];// deno-lint-ignore no-undefObject.defineProperty(process.argv, "0", { get() { return Deno.execPath(); },});const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);const path = require("path");const resolved = path.resolve(script);require(resolved);