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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// This code has been ported almost directly from Go's src/bytes/buffer_test.go// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. BSD license.// { assert, assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { Buffer } from "./buffer.ts";import { iter, iterSync, readAll, readAllSync, writeAll, writeAllSync,} from "./util.ts";
// N controls how many iterations of certain checks are performed.const N = 100;let testBytes: Uint8Array | null;
export function init(): void { if (testBytes == null) { testBytes = new Uint8Array(N); for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { testBytes[i] = "a".charCodeAt(0) + (i % 26); } }}
Deno.test("testReadAll", async () => { init(); assert(testBytes); const reader = new Buffer(testBytes.buffer as ArrayBuffer); const actualBytes = await readAll(reader); assertEquals(testBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < testBytes.length; ++i) { assertEquals(testBytes[i], actualBytes[i]); }});
Deno.test("testReadAllSync", () => { init(); assert(testBytes); const reader = new Buffer(testBytes.buffer as ArrayBuffer); const actualBytes = readAllSync(reader); assertEquals(testBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < testBytes.length; ++i) { assertEquals(testBytes[i], actualBytes[i]); }});
Deno.test("testwriteAll", async () => { init(); assert(testBytes); const writer = new Buffer(); await writeAll(writer, testBytes); const actualBytes = writer.bytes(); assertEquals(testBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < testBytes.length; ++i) { assertEquals(testBytes[i], actualBytes[i]); }});
Deno.test("testWriteAllSync", () => { init(); assert(testBytes); const writer = new Buffer(); writeAllSync(writer, testBytes); const actualBytes = writer.bytes(); assertEquals(testBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < testBytes.length; ++i) { assertEquals(testBytes[i], actualBytes[i]); }});
function helloWorldFile(): Buffer { return new Buffer(new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World!"));}
Deno.test("filesIter", async () => { const file = helloWorldFile();
let totalSize = 0; for await (const buf of iter(file)) { totalSize += buf.byteLength; }
assertEquals(totalSize, 12);});
Deno.test("filesIterCustomBufSize", async () => { const file = helloWorldFile();
let totalSize = 0; let iterations = 0; for await (const buf of iter(file, { bufSize: 6 })) { totalSize += buf.byteLength; iterations += 1; }
assertEquals(totalSize, 12); assertEquals(iterations, 2);});
Deno.test("filesIterSync", () => { const file = helloWorldFile();
let totalSize = 0; for (const buf of iterSync(file)) { totalSize += buf.byteLength; }
assertEquals(totalSize, 12);});
Deno.test("filesIterSyncCustomBufSize", () => { const file = helloWorldFile();
let totalSize = 0; let iterations = 0; for (const buf of iterSync(file, { bufSize: 6 })) { totalSize += buf.byteLength; iterations += 1; }
assertEquals(totalSize, 12); assertEquals(iterations, 2);});
Deno.test("readerIter", async () => { // ref: const encoder = new TextEncoder();
class TestReader implements Deno.Reader { #offset = 0; #buf: Uint8Array;
constructor(s: string) { this.#buf = new Uint8Array(encoder.encode(s)); }
read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null> { const n = Math.min(p.byteLength, this.#buf.byteLength - this.#offset); p.set(this.#buf.slice(this.#offset, this.#offset + n)); this.#offset += n;
if (n === 0) { return Promise.resolve(null); }
return Promise.resolve(n); } }
const reader = new TestReader("hello world!");
let totalSize = 0; for await (const buf of iter(reader)) { totalSize += buf.byteLength; }
assertEquals(totalSize, 12);});
Deno.test("readerIterSync", () => { // ref: const encoder = new TextEncoder();
class TestReader implements Deno.ReaderSync { #offset = 0; #buf: Uint8Array;
constructor(s: string) { this.#buf = new Uint8Array(encoder.encode(s)); }
readSync(p: Uint8Array): number | null { const n = Math.min(p.byteLength, this.#buf.byteLength - this.#offset); p.set(this.#buf.slice(this.#offset, this.#offset + n)); this.#offset += n;
if (n === 0) { return null; }
return n; } }
const reader = new TestReader("hello world!");
let totalSize = 0; for (const buf of iterSync(reader)) { totalSize += buf.byteLength; }
assertEquals(totalSize, 12);});