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Deno standard library
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import { assertEquals, assertThrows, fail } from "../../testing/asserts.ts";import { futimes, futimesSync } from "./_fs_futimes.ts";
const randomDate = new Date( + 1000);
Deno.test({ name: "ASYNC: change the file system timestamps of the object referenced by path", async fn() { const file: string = Deno.makeTempFileSync(); const { rid } = await, { create: true, write: true });
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { futimes(rid, randomDate, randomDate, (err: Error | null) => { if (err !== null) reject(); else resolve(); }); }) .then( () => { const fileInfo: Deno.FileInfo = Deno.lstatSync(file); assertEquals(fileInfo.mtime, randomDate); assertEquals(fileInfo.atime, randomDate); }, () => { fail("No error expected"); }, ) .finally(() => { Deno.removeSync(file); Deno.close(rid); }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "ASYNC: should throw error if atime is infinity", fn() { assertThrows( () => { futimes(123, Infinity, 0, (_err: Error | null) => {}); }, Error, "invalid atime, must not be infitiny or NaN", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "ASYNC: should throw error if atime is NaN", fn() { assertThrows( () => { futimes(123, "some string", 0, (_err: Error | null) => {}); }, Error, "invalid atime, must not be infitiny or NaN", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "SYNC: change the file system timestamps of the object referenced by path", fn() { const file: string = Deno.makeTempFileSync(); const { rid } = Deno.openSync(file, { create: true, write: true });
try { futimesSync(rid, randomDate, randomDate);
const fileInfo: Deno.FileInfo = Deno.lstatSync(file);
assertEquals(fileInfo.mtime, randomDate); assertEquals(fileInfo.atime, randomDate); } finally { Deno.removeSync(file); Deno.close(rid); } },});
Deno.test({ name: "SYNC: should throw error if atime is NaN", fn() { assertThrows( () => { futimesSync(123, "some string", 0); }, Error, "invalid atime, must not be infitiny or NaN", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "SYNC: should throw error if atime is Infinity", fn() { assertThrows( () => { futimesSync(123, Infinity, 0); }, Error, "invalid atime, must not be infitiny or NaN", ); },});