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A1 Is Javascript Micro framework for rapid API Development
let $:any;import { serve } from "";export default $ = async(val:any) => { let __s:any; if(val.port == undefined){ __s = 8000 console.log('\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m','༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Server running on https://localhost:8000') }else{ __s = val.port; console.log('\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m','༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Server running on https://localhost:'+val.port) } let __s__:any = serve({ port: __s}) for await (const req of __s__) {
let __headers__ = req.headers let __headers_obj__:any = {} for await(const i of __headers__){ __headers_obj__[i[0]] = i[1] } //console.log(__headers_obj__)
let len:any = Object.keys(; if(len != 0){ let __index:number = -1; let __flag = 0; let __dump_arr:any = [] Object.keys(>{ __index++; if(item == req.url){ __dump_arr.push(item) __flag = 1; let __route:any = Object.values([__index]; if(__route.method != undefined){ if(__route.method == req.method){ if(req.method == 'GET') { let __func = await __route.code let __ans = __func(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({"headers":__headers_obj__,"body":{},"params":{}}))); req.respond(await __ans); } else{ let __str:any = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(req.r.buf); let __json_data__:any; if(__str.indexOf('[') == -1){ __json_data__ = __str.slice(__str.indexOf('{'),__str.lastIndexOf('}')+1) }else if(__str.indexOf('{') == -1){ __json_data__ = __str.slice(__str.indexOf('['),__str.lastIndexOf(']')+1) } else if(__str.indexOf('{') < __str.indexOf('[')){ __json_data__ = __str.slice(__str.indexOf('{'),__str.lastIndexOf('}')+1) }else{ __json_data__ = __str.slice(__str.indexOf('['),__str.lastIndexOf(']')+1) } try{ let __json_parse__:any = JSON.parse(__json_data__) if(__json_parse__.length > 0){ let __func = await __route.code let __ans = __func(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({"headers":__headers_obj__,"body":__json_parse__,"params":{}}))); await req.respond(await __ans); }else if(__json_parse__.length == undefined){ let __func = await __route.code let __ans = __func(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({"headers":__headers_obj__,"body":__json_parse__,"params":{}}))); await req.respond(await __ans); } }catch(e){ console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m','༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ check your json') }finally{
} }
} } } }) if(__dump_arr.length == 0) { let __index:number = -1; Object.keys(>{ __index++; if (~item.indexOf("/:")){ let __url_attributes = req.url.split('/').filter((item:any)=>item!='') let __item_attributes = item.split('/:').filter((item:any)=>item!='') let __params__:any = {} if(__url_attributes.length == __item_attributes.length){ for(let __i:number = 0;__i<__item_attributes.length;__i++){ __params__[__item_attributes[__i]] = __url_attributes[__i]; } } let __route:any = Object.values([__index]; if(__route.method != undefined){ if(__route.method == req.method){
if(req.method == 'GET'){ let __func = await __route.code // let __ans = __func(__params__); let __ans = __func(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({"headers":__headers_obj__,"body":{},"params":__params__}))); req.respond(await __ans); }else{ let __str:any = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(req.r.buf); let __json_data__:any; if(__str.indexOf('[') == -1){ __json_data__ = __str.slice(__str.indexOf('{'),__str.lastIndexOf('}')+1) }else if(__str.indexOf('{') == -1){ __json_data__ = __str.slice(__str.indexOf('['),__str.lastIndexOf(']')+1) } else if(__str.indexOf('{') < __str.indexOf('[')){ __json_data__ = __str.slice(__str.indexOf('{'),__str.lastIndexOf('}')+1) }else{ __json_data__ = __str.slice(__str.indexOf('['),__str.lastIndexOf(']')+1) } try{ let __json_parse__:any = JSON.parse(__json_data__)
if(__json_parse__.length > 0){ let __func = await __route.code let __ans = __func(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({"headers":__headers_obj__,"body":__json_parse__,"params":__params__}))); req.respond(await __ans); }else if(__json_parse__.length == undefined){ let __func = await __route.code let __ans = __func(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({"headers":__headers_obj__,"body":__json_parse__,"params":__params__}))); req.respond(await __ans); } }catch(e){ console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m','༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ check your json') }finally{
} }

} }
}) } } }

// import $ from './index.ts'
// $({// port:8001,// rest:{// '/hello':{// method:'GET',// code:()=>{// return {body:'Hello World'}// }// },// '/mahesh/one/two':{// method:'GET',// code:()=>{// return {body:'Mahesh one two'}// }// },// '/mahesh/:id/:name':{// method:'GET',// code:(params:any)=>{// return {// body:'Id ''\n'+ 'Name ' }// }// }
// }// })

export let render = async(val:any) =>{ const client = await new TextDecoder("utf-8") .decode( await Deno.readFile(val) ); return client; }