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A better Deno framework to create web application.
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import type { ServerRequest, Response,} from "./vendor/https/";import type { Cookie, Cookies,} from "./vendor/https/";import type { Application } from "./app.ts";import type { ContextOptions } from "./types.ts";
import { Status } from "./vendor/https/";import { join } from "./vendor/https/";import { setCookie, getCookies,} from "./vendor/https/";import { MultipartReader } from "./vendor/https/";import { encode, decode } from "./vendor/https/";import { Header, MIME } from "./constants.ts";import { contentType, NotFoundHandler } from "./util.ts";
const { cwd, readFile, readAll } = Deno;
export class Context { app!: Application; request!: ServerRequest; url!: URL;
response: Response & { headers: Headers } = { headers: new Headers() }; params: Record<string, string> = {}; customContext: any;
#store?: Map<string | symbol, unknown>;
#body: Promise<unknown> | undefined;
get cookies(): Cookies { return getCookies(this.request); }
get path(): string { return this.url.pathname; }
get method(): string { return this.request.method; }
get queryParams(): Record<string, string> { const params: Record<string, string> = {}; for (const [k, v] of this.url.searchParams) { params[k] = v; } return params; }
get body(): Promise<unknown> { return this.#body ?? (this.#body = this.#readBody()); }
get(key: string | symbol): unknown { return this.#store?.get(key); }
set(key: string | symbol, val: unknown): void { if (this.#store === undefined) { this.#store = new Map(); }
this.#store.set(key, val); }
constructor(opts: ContextOptions); constructor(c: Context); constructor(optionsOrContext: ContextOptions | Context) { if (optionsOrContext instanceof Context) { Object.assign(this, optionsOrContext); this.customContext = this; return; }
const opts = optionsOrContext; =; this.request = opts.r;
this.url = new URL(this.request.url, ``); }
#writeContentType = (v: string): void => { if (!this.response.headers.has(Header.ContentType)) { this.response.headers.set(Header.ContentType, v); } };
#readBody = async (): Promise<unknown> => { const contentType = this.request.headers.get(Header.ContentType); walk: { let data: Record<string, unknown> = {}; if (contentType) { if (contentType.includes(MIME.ApplicationJSON)) { data = JSON.parse(decode(await readAll(this.request.body))); } else if (contentType.includes(MIME.ApplicationForm)) { for ( const [k, v] of new URLSearchParams( decode(await readAll(this.request.body)), ) ) { data[k] = v; } } else if (contentType.includes(MIME.MultipartForm)) { const match = contentType.match(/boundary=([^\s]+)/); const boundary = match ? match[1] : undefined; if (boundary) { const mr = new MultipartReader(this.request.body, boundary); const form = await mr.readForm(); for (const [k, v] of form.entries()) { data[k] = v; } } } else { break walk; } } else { break walk; }
return data; }
return decode(await readAll(this.request.body)); };
string(v: string, code: Status = Status.OK): void { this.#writeContentType(MIME.TextPlain); this.response.status = code; this.response.body = encode(v); }
json(v: Record<string, any> | string, code: Status = Status.OK): void { this.#writeContentType(MIME.ApplicationJSON); this.response.status = code; this.response.body = encode(typeof v === "object" ? JSON.stringify(v) : v); }
/** Sends an HTTP response with status code. */ html(v: string, code: Status = Status.OK): void { this.#writeContentType(MIME.TextHTML); this.response.status = code; this.response.body = encode(v); }
/** Sends an HTTP blob response with status code. */ htmlBlob(b: Uint8Array | Deno.Reader, code: Status = Status.OK): void { this.blob(b, MIME.TextHTML, code); }
/** * Renders a template with data and sends a text/html response with status code. * renderer must be registered first. */ async render<T>( name: string, data: T = {} as T, code: Status = Status.OK, ): Promise<void> { if (! { throw new Error(); } const r = await, data); this.htmlBlob(r, code); }
/** Sends a blob response with content type and status code. */ blob( b: Uint8Array | Deno.Reader, contentType?: string, code: Status = Status.OK, ): void { if (contentType) { this.#writeContentType(contentType); } this.response.status = code; this.response.body = b; }
async file(filepath: string): Promise<void> { filepath = join(cwd(), filepath); try { this.blob(await readFile(filepath), contentType(filepath)); } catch { NotFoundHandler(); } }
/** append a `Set-Cookie` header to the response */ setCookie(c: Cookie): void { setCookie(this.response, c); }
/** Redirects a response to a specific URL. the `code` defaults to `302` if omitted */ redirect(url: string, code = Status.Found): void { this.response.headers.set(Header.Location, url); this.response.status = code; }}