Abstract structure for JavaScript data validation
Abstruct(not abstract!) provides functions for defining data structures. It also has an abstract interface that allows data structures to be used for any operation. For example, validation.
It is composable and you only pay the cost for what you need. All features are supported around this feature.
High performance
We actively employ delay evaluation. It is not performed until it is needed. Composable allows each module to take on only one responsibility. Therefore, there is very little duplication of logic.
Great care is taken to keep code size small. Composable also contributes to size.
Library first
It can be used with any 3rd party library. Therefore, it is small and care is taken not to bring unnecessary code into the library.
Also, as a validation,
Default error messages
Validator consists of a very small default error message. You can begin validation out of box.
Error message first
Error messages are the central issue in validation. The appropriate error message depends on the recipient. The default error message may not be the best for every subject. The solution to this challenge is to make them fully customizable.
Upstream definition
Error messages can be bound to data structures. Therefore, messages can be defined very close to the data structure definition. There is no need to create error messages from errors.
Type assertion
The validator can assert the type of the input. This allows the validation result to be automatically type inferred.
Quick view
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/abstruct@$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { assertThrows } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";
const Id = and(string, pattern(/^\d$/));
const Book = object({
id: Id,
title: maxCount(256).expect(`length should be less than or equal to 256`),
publishAt: validDate,
assertThrows(() =>
assert(Book, {
id: 0,
title: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
publishAt: new Date("1997/6/26"),
Copyright © 2023-present Tomoki Miyauci.
Released under the MIT license