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Abstract structure for JavaScript data validation
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import * as abstruct from "";


Create right curried function.

Returns a new record with all entries of the given record except the ones that have a key that does not match the given predicate.

Interpolate JavaScript value to template.

Whether the input is bigint or not.

Weather the string is empty or not.

Whether the input is in range. It is inclusive.

Whether the input is negative number or not.

Whether the input is non-negative number or not.

Whether the input is non-positive number or not.

Whether the array is not empty or not.

Whether the input is null or undefined or not.

Whether the input is positive number or not.

Whether the array is single element or not.

Whether the input is string or not.

Whether the input is valid Date or not.

Returns the first element that is the largest value of the given function or undefined if there are no elements.

Return memoed function.