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Abstract structure for JavaScript data validation
// Copyright 2023-latest Tomoki Miyauchi. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { type Constructor, interpolate } from "./deps.ts";import { type Expectation, type Validator } from "./types.ts";import { count as getCount } from "./iter_utils.ts";import { createInst, Expectable, print, shouldBe, shouldBeBut,} from "./utils.ts";import { EnumValidator } from "./validators/enum.ts";import { RangeValidator } from "./validators/range.ts";import { FixedArrayValidator } from "./validators/array/fixed_array.ts";import { PropertiesValidator } from "./validators/object/properties.ts";import { OptionalValidator } from "./validators/object/optional.ts";import { PropertyValueValidator } from "./validators/object/property_value.ts";import { PropertyKeyValidator } from "./validators/object/property_key.ts";import { NullishValidator } from "./validators/nullish.ts";import { FloatValidator } from "./validators/number/float.ts";import { IntegerValidator } from "./validators/number/integer.ts";import { PositiveNumberValidator } from "./validators/numeric/positive_number.ts";import { NegativeNumberValidator } from "./validators/numeric/negative_number.ts";import { NonNegativeNumberValidator } from "./validators/numeric/non_negative_number.ts";import { NonPositiveNumberValidator } from "./validators/numeric/non_positive_number.ts";import { PatternValidator } from "./validators/string/pattern.ts";import { CountValidator } from "./validators/iterable/count.ts";import { EmptyValidator } from "./validators/iterable/empty.ts";import { ItemValidator } from "./validators/iterable/item.ts";import { UniqueValidator } from "./validators/iterable/unique.ts";import { MaxCountValidator } from "./validators/iterable/max_count.ts";import { MinCountValidator } from "./validators/iterable/min_count.ts";import { NonEmptyValidator } from "./validators/iterable/non_empty.ts";import { SingleValidator } from "./validators/iterable/single.ts";import { EqualityValidator } from "./validators/operators/equality.ts";import { LessThanValidator } from "./validators/operators/less_than.ts";import { LessThanOrEqualValidator } from "./validators/operators/less_than_or_equal.ts";import { GreaterThanValidator } from "./validators/operators/greater_than.ts";import { GreaterThanOrEqualValidator } from "./validators/operators/greater_than_or_equal.ts";import { InequalityValidator } from "./validators/operators/inequality.ts";import { InstanceValidator } from "./validators/operators/instanceof.ts";import { AndValidator } from "./validators/operators/and.ts";import { NotValidator } from "./validators/operators/not.ts";import { OrValidator } from "./validators/operators/or.ts";import { type TypeStr, TypeValidator } from "./validators/operators/typeof.ts";import { InValidator } from "./validators/operators/in.ts";import { ValidDateValidator } from "./validators/date/valid_date.ts";import { Error } from "./constants.ts";
const $TypeValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(TypeValidator);const $InstanceValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(InstanceValidator);const $AndValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(AndValidator);const $EnumValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(EnumValidator);const $NullishValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(NullishValidator);const $PatternValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(PatternValidator);const $RangeValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(RangeValidator);const $UniqueValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(UniqueValidator);const $EqualityValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(EqualityValidator);const $NegativeNumberValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable( NegativeNumberValidator,);const $NonNegativeNumberValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable( NonNegativeNumberValidator,);const $NonPositiveNumberValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable( NonPositiveNumberValidator,);const $PositiveNumberValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable( PositiveNumberValidator,);const $LessThanValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(LessThanValidator);const $LessThanOrEqualValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable( LessThanOrEqualValidator,);const $GreaterThanValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(GreaterThanValidator);const $GreaterThanOrEqualValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable( GreaterThanOrEqualValidator,);const $InequalityValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(InequalityValidator);const $NotValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(NotValidator);const $OrValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(OrValidator);const $InValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(InValidator);const $ValidDateValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(ValidDateValidator);const $CountValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(CountValidator);const $EmptyValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(EmptyValidator);const $MaxCountValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(MaxCountValidator);const $MinCountValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(MinCountValidator);const $NonEmptyValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(NonEmptyValidator);const $SingleValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(SingleValidator);const $FloatValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(FloatValidator);const $IntegerValidator = /* @__PURE__ */ Expectable(IntegerValidator);
/** Validator factory for JavaScript data type. * The difference with `typeof` operator is that `"object"` does not match `null`. * * @example * ```ts * import { type } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = type("object") * ``` */export function type<T extends TypeStr>(of: T) { const validator = new $TypeValidator(of);
return validator.expect(({ input }) => interpolate(Error.ShouldBeBut, [print(validator), typeof input]) );}
/** String validator. */export const string = /* @__PURE__ */ type("string");
/** Number validator. */export const number = /* @__PURE__ */ type("number");
/** Bigint validator. */export const bigint = /* @__PURE__ */ type("bigint");
/** Boolean validator. */export const boolean = /* @__PURE__ */ type("boolean");
/** Symbol validator. */export const symbol = /* @__PURE__ */ type("symbol");
/** Factory for enumerator validator. * * @example * ```ts * import { enumerator } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = enumerator(0, 1, 2, 3); * const validator2 = enumerator("Red", "Yellow", "Green"); * ``` */export function enumerator<const T>( v1: T, v2: T, ...values: readonly T[]) { return new $EnumValidator(v1, v2, ...values).expect(shouldBeBut);}
/** Validator factory equivalent to the `instanceof` operator. * * @example * ```ts * import { instance } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = instance(Array); * ``` */export function instance<T extends Constructor>(of: T) { const validator = new $InstanceValidator(of);
return validator.expect(({ input }) => interpolate(Error.ShouldBeBut, [ print(validator), input? ?? input, ]) );}
/** Factory for properties validator. * * @example * ```ts * import { * number, * props, * string, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * const User = props({ name: string, age: number }); * ``` */export const props = /* @__PURE__ */ createInst(PropertiesValidator);
/** Factory for optional properties validator. * * @example * ```ts * import { * number, * optional, * string, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * const Profile = optional({ greeting: string, hobby: string }); * ``` */export const optional = /* @__PURE__ */ createInst(OptionalValidator);
/** Nullish(`null` or `undefined`) validator. */export const nullish = /* @__PURE__ */ new $NullishValidator().expect( shouldBeBut,);
/** Validator factory equivalent to strict equality(`===`) operator. * * @example * ```ts * import { eq } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = eq(0); * ``` */export function eq<const RIn = unknown>(value: RIn) { return new $EqualityValidator(value).expect(shouldBeBut);}
/** Factory for validator equivalent to less than(`>`) operator. * * @example * ```ts * import { lt } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = lt(256); * ``` */export function lt<In>(base: In) { return new $LessThanValidator(base).expect(shouldBeBut);}
/** Factory for validator equivalent to less than or equal to (`>=`) operator. * * @example * ```ts * import { lte } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = lte(255); * ``` */export function lte<In>(base: In) { return new $LessThanOrEqualValidator(base).expect(shouldBeBut);}
/** Factory for validator equivalent to greater than(`<`) operator. * * @example * ```ts * import { gt } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = gt(8); * ``` */export function gt<In>(base: In) { return new $GreaterThanValidator(base).expect(shouldBeBut);}
/** Factory for validator equivalent to greater than or equal(`<=`) operator. * * @example * ```ts * import { gte } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = gte(8); * ``` */export function gte<In>(base: In) { return new $GreaterThanOrEqualValidator(base).expect(shouldBeBut);}
/** Factory for validator equivalent to strict inequality(`!==`) operator. * * @example * ```ts * import { ne } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = ne(0); * ``` */export function ne(value: unknown) { return new $InequalityValidator(value).expect(shouldBeBut);}
/** Factory for validator inversion. * * @example * ```ts * import { * not, * type Validator, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * * declare const validator: Validator; * const inversionValidator = not(validator); * ``` */export function not<In, RIn extends In = In>( validator: Readonly<Validator<In, RIn>>,) { new NotValidator(validator); return new $NotValidator(validator).expect(shouldBeBut);}
/** Factory for validator composer like Logical OR. * * @example * ```ts * import { * or, * type Validator, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * import { assertType, type Has } from ""; * declare const v1: Validator; * declare const v2: Validator; * declare const v3: Validator; * * const validator = or(v1, v2, v3); * ``` * * If the validators are not type-compatible with each other, generics must be * specified. * * @example * ```ts * import { * or, * type Validator, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * import { assertType, type Has } from ""; * declare const v1: Validator<unknown, string>; * declare const v2: Validator<unknown, number>; * const validator = or<unknown, string | number>(v1, v2); * * assertType<Has<typeof validator, Validator<unknown, string | number>>>(true); * ``` * * For more information, see * [Specifying Type Arguments]( */export function or<In = unknown, RIn extends In = In>( v1: Readonly<Validator<In, RIn>>, v2: Readonly<Validator<In, RIn>>, ...validations: Readonly<Validator<In, RIn>>[]) { new OrValidator(v1, v2); return new $OrValidator(v1, v2, ...validations).expect(shouldBe);}
/** Factory for validator composer like Logical AND. * `and` composes multiple validators and creates a new validator. The composed * validator executes the validator from left to right, just like the Logical AND * operator. If the validation fails en route, the evaluation stops there. * * @example * * ```ts * import { * and, * between, * gte, * int, * lte, * } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const _int8 = and(int, lte(128), gte(-127)); * const __int8 = and(int, between(-127, 128)); * ``` * * ## Type-narrowing * Composition of `and` is type-safe. * * Each validator is corrected to satisfy the narrowed type from the previous * validators. * * @example * * ```ts * import { * and, * type Validator, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * import { assertType, type Has } from ""; * declare const v1: Validator<unknown, string>; * declare const v2: Validator<string, "a" | "b">; * declare const v3: Validator<"a" | "b" | "c", "a">; * const validator = and(v1, v2, v3); * * assertType<Has<typeof validator, Validator<unknown, "a">>>(true); * ``` * * ## Limit the number of arguments * The number of arguments is limited by overloading to achieve this. * Currently it accepts up to 5 arguments. * This limit is based on the strict `Function.bind` type signature. * If more than that is needed, you must nest `and`. */export function and< In, RIn extends In, In2, RIn2 extends In2,>( v1: Readonly<Validator<In, RIn>>, v2: Readonly<Validator<In2 | RIn, RIn2>>,): AndValidator<In, RIn & RIn2> & Expectation<{ input: In }>;export function and< In, RIn extends In, In2, RIn2 extends In2, In3, RIn3 extends In3,>( v1: Readonly<Validator<In, RIn>>, v2: Readonly<Validator<In2 | RIn, RIn2>>, v3: Readonly<Validator<In3 | RIn & RIn2, RIn3>>,): AndValidator<In, RIn & RIn2 & RIn3> & Expectation<{ input: In }>;export function and< In, RIn extends In, In2, RIn2 extends In2, In3, RIn3 extends In3, In4, RIn4 extends In4,>( v1: Readonly<Validator<In, RIn>>, v2: Readonly<Validator<In2 | RIn, RIn2>>, v3: Readonly<Validator<In3 | RIn & RIn2, RIn3>>, v4: Readonly<Validator<In4 | RIn & RIn2 & RIn3, RIn4>>,): AndValidator<In, RIn & RIn2 & RIn3 & RIn4> & Expectation<{ input: In }>;export function and< In, RIn extends In, In2, RIn2 extends In2, In3, RIn3 extends In3, In4, RIn4 extends In4, In5, RIn5 extends In5,>( v1: Readonly<Validator<In, RIn>>, v2: Readonly<Validator<In2 | RIn, RIn2>>, v3: Readonly<Validator<In3 | RIn & RIn2, RIn3>>, v4: Readonly<Validator<In4 | RIn & RIn2 & RIn3, RIn4>>, v5: Readonly<Validator<In5 | RIn & RIn2 & RIn3 & RIn4, RIn5>>,): & AndValidator<In, RIn & RIn2 & RIn3 & RIn4 & RIn5> & Expectation<{ input: In }>;export function and( ...validators: readonly [Readonly<Validator>, Readonly<Validator>]) { return new $AndValidator(validators);}
/** Factory for existence of property validator. * * @example * ```ts * import { has } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = has("prop"); * ``` */export function has<const K extends PropertyKey>(key: K) { return new $InValidator(key).expect(() => `should has ${print(key)}`);}
/** Factory for range validator. * * @example * ```ts * import { between } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const numberRangeValidator = between(0, 255); * const dateRangeValidator = between(new Date("1970/1/1"), new Date("2038/1/19")); * ``` */export function between<In>(min: In, max: In) { return new $RangeValidator(min, max).expect(shouldBeBut);}
// Non-nullish
/** Factory for property key validator. * * @example * ```ts * import { * propKey, * type Validator, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * declare const validator: Validator<string>; * const keyValidator = propKey(validator); * ``` */export const propKey = /* @__PURE__ */ createInst(PropertyKeyValidator);
/** Factory for property value validator. * * @example * ```ts * import { * type Validator, * propValue, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * declare const validator: Validator; * const valueValidator = propValue(validator); * ``` */export const propValue = /* @__PURE__ */ createInst(PropertyValueValidator);
// Array/** Factory for fixed array validator. It checks each item passes each {@link Validator}. * * @example * ```ts * import { * fixedArray, * type Validator, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * declare const v1: Validator; * declare const v2: Validator; * const validator = fixedArray(v1, v2); * ``` */export const fixedArray = /* @__PURE__ */ createInst(FixedArrayValidator);
// Date/** Valid `Date` validator. */export const validDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new $ValidDateValidator().expect( shouldBe,);
// iterable
/** Factory for count validator. It checks count(size, length) of items. * * @example * ```ts * import { count } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = count(5); * ``` */export function count(of: number) { const validator = new $CountValidator(of);
return validator.expect(({ input }) => interpolate(Error.ShouldBeBut, [print(validator), getCount(input)]) );}
/** Empty validator. It checks the items is empty. * * @example */export const empty = /* @__PURE__ */ new $EmptyValidator().expect(shouldBe);
/** Factory for item validator. * It checks each item of items. * * @example * ```ts * import { * item, * type Validator, * } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * declare const validator: Validator; * const itemValidator = item(validator); * ``` */export const item = /* @__PURE__ */ createInst(ItemValidator);
/** Factory for max count validator. It checks items count is less than or equal to {@link limit}. * * @example * ```ts * import { maxCount } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * declare const limit: number; * const validator = maxCount(limit); * ``` */export function maxCount(limit: number) { return new $MaxCountValidator(limit).expect(({ input }) => interpolate(Error.MaxCount, [limit, getCount(input)]) );}
/** Factory for min count validator. It checks items count is greater than or equal to {@link limit}. * * @example * ```ts * import { minCount } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * declare const limit: number; * const validator = minCount(limit); * ``` */export function minCount(limit: number) { return new $MinCountValidator(limit).expect(({ input }) => interpolate(Error.MinCount, [limit, getCount(input)]) );}
/** Non-Empty validator. It checks items is non-empty. */export const nonEmpty = /* @__PURE__ */ new $NonEmptyValidator() .expect(shouldBe);
/** Single validator. It checks items is single. */export const single = /* @__PURE__ */ new $SingleValidator().expect(shouldBe);
/** Unique validator. It checks the each item is unique. */
export const unique = /* @__PURE__ */ new $UniqueValidator().expect(shouldBe);
// number
/** Float validator. */export const float = /* @__PURE__ */ new $FloatValidator().expect(shouldBeBut);
/** Integer validator. */export const int = /* @__PURE__ */ new $IntegerValidator().expect(shouldBeBut);
/** Integer in the range -127 ~ 128 validator. */export const int8 = /* @__PURE__ */ and( int, /* @__PURE__ */ between(-127, 128),);
/** Integer in the range -32768 ~ 32767 validator. */export const int16 = /* @__PURE__ */ and( int, /* @__PURE__ */ between(-32768, 32767),);
/** Integer in the range -2147483648 ~ 2147483647 validator. */export const int32 = /* @__PURE__ */ and( int, /* @__PURE__ */ between(-2147483648, 2147483647),);
/** Integer in the range 0 ~ 255 validator. */export const uint8 = /* @__PURE__ */ and( int, /* @__PURE__ */ between(0, 255),);
/** Integer in the range 0 ~ 65535 validator. */export const uint16 = /* @__PURE__ */ and( int, /* @__PURE__ */ between(0, 65535),);
/** Integer in the range 0 ~ 4294967295 validator. */export const uint32 = /* @__PURE__ */ and( int, /* @__PURE__ */ between(0, 4294967295),);
/** Negative number validator. */export const negative = /* @__PURE__ */ new $NegativeNumberValidator() .expect(shouldBeBut);
/** Non-negative number validator. */export const nonNegative = /* @__PURE__ */ new $NonNegativeNumberValidator() .expect(shouldBeBut);
/** Non-positive number validator. */export const nonPositive = /* @__PURE__ */ new $NonPositiveNumberValidator() .expect(shouldBeBut);
/** Positive number validator. */export const positive = /* @__PURE__ */ new $PositiveNumberValidator() .expect(shouldBeBut);
// string
/** Factory for regex pattern validator. * * @example * ```ts * import { pattern } from "$VERSION/bindings.ts"; * const validator = pattern(/^\d*$/); * ``` */export function pattern( pattern: Readonly<RegExp>,): PatternValidator & Expectation<{ input: string }> { const validator = new $PatternValidator(pattern);
return validator.expect(({ input }) => interpolate(Error.ShouldBeBut, [`match ${validator}`, print(input)]) );}