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Abstract structure for JavaScript data validation
// Copyright 2023-latest Tomoki Miyauchi. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assert, Err, Ok, validate, ValidationError } from "./validation.ts";import type { ValidationFailure, Validator } from "./types.ts";import { assertEquals, assertFalse, assertIsError, assertMatch, assertThrows, describe, it,} from "./_dev_deps.ts";
const v: Validator = { validate: () => [], is: (_: unknown): _ is unknown => true,};
describe("assert", () => { it("should return void if there are not validation failures", () => { assertFalse(assert(v, "")); assertFalse(assert(v, "", { failSlow: true })); assertFalse(assert(v, "", { failSlow: true, maxFailures: 1 })); });
it("should expose instance path info by default", () => { let err; try { assert( { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test", instancePath: ["a"] }] }, "", ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertMatch(err.message, /^test\ninstance path: a$/); } });
it("should not expose instance path info if the instance path is empty", () => { let err; try { assert( { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test", instancePath: [] }] }, "", ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertMatch(err.message, /^test$/); } });
it("should be private instance path info", () => { let err; try { assert( { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test", instancePath: ["a"] }] }, "", { pathInfo: { private: true } }, ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertMatch(err.message, /^test$/); } });
it("should add instance path root name", () => { let err; try { assert( { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test", instancePath: ["a"] }] }, "", { pathInfo: { rootName: "options" } }, ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertMatch(err.message, /^test\ninstance path: options.a$/); } });
it("should add instance path root name if instance path is not exist", () => { let err; try { assert( { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test", instancePath: [] }] }, "", { pathInfo: { rootName: "options" } }, ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertMatch(err.message, /^test\ninstance path: options$/); } });
describe("fail fast", () => { it("should throw ValidationError if failFast is false or default", () => { const v1: Validator = { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test2", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }, { message: "test1", instancePath: [] }], };
let err;
try { assertFalse(assert(v1, "")); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertIsError(err, ValidationError, "test2\ninstance path: a.b.c"); assertEquals( err, new ValidationError("test2\ninstance path: a.b.c", { instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }), ); } });
it("should override Error if error is ctor", () => { const v1: Validator = { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test2", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }, { message: "test1", instancePath: [] }], };
let err;
try { assertFalse( assert(v1, "", { validation: { error: Error } }), ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertIsError(err, Error, "test2\ninstance path: a.b.c"); assertEquals( err, new Error("test2\ninstance path: a.b.c"), ); } });
it("should override message", () => { const v1: Validator = { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }, { message: "test1", instancePath: [] }], };
let err;
try { assertFalse( assert(v1, "", { validation: { message: "test!!!" } }), ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertIsError(err, ValidationError, "test!!!\ninstance path: a.b.c"); } }); });
describe("fail slow", () => { it("should throw AggregateError by default", () => { const v1: Validator = { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test1", instancePath: [] }, { message: "test2", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }], };
let err;
try { assertFalse(assert(v1, "", { failSlow: true })); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertIsError(err, AggregateError, ""); assertEquals(err.errors, [ new ValidationError(`test1`), new ValidationError(`test2\ninstance path: a.b.c`, { instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }), ]); } });
it("should override AggregateError if pass error", () => { const v1: Validator = { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test1", instancePath: [] }, { message: "test2", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }], };
let err;
class CustomError extends AggregateError { override name = "CustomError"; }
try { assertFalse( assert(v1, "", { failSlow: true, aggregation: { error: CustomError }, }), ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertIsError(err, CustomError); } });
it("should pass message", () => { const v1: Validator = { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test1", instancePath: [] }, { message: "test2", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }], };
let err;
try { assertFalse( assert(v1, "", { failSlow: true, aggregation: { message: "test" } }), ); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertIsError(err, AggregateError, "test"); } });
it("should be limit number of error", () => { const v1: Validator = { ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "test1", instancePath: [] }, { message: "test2", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }], };
let err;
try { assertFalse(assert(v1, "", { failSlow: true, maxFailures: 1 })); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { assertIsError(err, AggregateError); assertEquals(err.errors.length, 1); assertEquals(err.errors[0].message, "test1"); } }); });});
describe("validate", () => { it("should return ok", () => { assertEquals(validate(v, ""), new Ok("")); });
it("should return err", () => { assertEquals( validate({ ...v, validate: () => [{ message: "error", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"] }], }, ""), new Err<[ValidationFailure]>([{ message: "error", instancePath: ["a", "b", "c"], }]), ); });
it("should return err what count of number is strict by max errors", () => { assertEquals( validate( { ...v, validate: () => [ { message: "error", instancePath: [] }, { message: "error2", instancePath: [] }, ], }, "", { maxFailures: 1 }, ), new Err<[ValidationFailure]>([{ message: "error", instancePath: [] }]), ); });
it("should throw error is maxFailures is not positive integer", () => { assertThrows(() => validate(v, "", { maxFailures: 0 })); });});
describe("ValidationError", () => { it("should has fields", () => { const options = { cause: {}, instancePath: [], }; const error = new ValidationError("test", options);
assertEquals(error.instancePath, options.instancePath); assertEquals(error.message, "test"); assertEquals(error.cause, options.cause); assertEquals(, "ValidationError"); });});
describe("Ok", () => { it("should return Ok container", () => { const value = "test"; const ok = new Ok(value);
assertEquals(ok.type, "ok"); assertEquals(ok.value, value); assertEquals(ok.isOk(), true); assertEquals(ok.isErr(), false); });});
describe("Err", () => { it("should return Err container", () => { const value = "test"; const err = new Err(value);
assertEquals(err.type, "error"); assertEquals(err.value, value); assertEquals(err.isOk(), false); assertEquals(err.isErr(), true); });});