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A focused RESTful server framework for Deno 🌰🦕
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class Router
extends EventTarget
import { Router } from "";

A router which is specifically geared for handling RESTful type of requests and providing a straight forward API to respond to them.

A RouteHandler is registered with the router, and when a request matches a route the handler will be invoked. The handler will be provided with Context of the current request. The handler can return a web platform Response instance, BodyInit value, or any other object which will be to be serialized to a JSON string as set as the value of the response body.

The handler context includes a property named cookies which is an instance of Cookies, which provides an interface for reading request cookies and setting cookies in the response. Cookies supports cryptographic signing of keys using a key ring which adheres to the KeyRing interface, which can be passed as an option when creating the router. KeyStack is a key ring that implements this interface.

The route is specified using the pathname part of the URLPattern API, which supports routes with wildcards (e.g. /posts/*) and named groups (e.g. /books/:id) which are then provided as .params on the context argument to the handler.

When registering a route handler, a Deserializer, Serializer, and ErrorHandler can all be specified. When a deserializer is specified and a request has a body, the deserializer will be used to parse the body. This is designed to make it possible to validate a body or hydrate an object from a request. When a serializer is specified and the handler returns something other than a Response or BodyInit, the serializer will be used to serialize the response from the route handler, if present, otherwise JSON.stringify() will be used to convert the body used in the response.

Observability of the router is designed using DOM events, where there are several events which can be listened for:

  • "error" - produces a RouterErrorEvent when an error occurs when within the router. This can be used to provide a customized response for errors.
  • "listen" - produces a RouterListenEvent when the router has successfully started listening to requests.
  • "handled" - produces a HandledEvent when the router has completed handling of a request and has sent the response.
  • "notfound" - produces a NotFoundEvent when the router was unable to provide a response for a given request. This can be used to provide a customized response for not found events.


import { Router } from "";

const router = new Router();

router.all("/:id", (ctx) => ({ id: }));

router.listen({ port: 8080 });


Router(options?: RouterOptions)


type: "error",
listener: RouterErrorEventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
type: "handled",
listener: HandledEventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
type: "listen",
listener: RouterListenEventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
type: "notfound",
listener: NotFoundEventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
type: "request",
listener: RouterRequestListenerOrEventListenerObject | null,
options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions,
): void
all<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(route: R, options: RouteOptionsWithHandler<R, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>): Destroyable
all<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: R,
handler: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params>,
options?: RouteOptions<R, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
all<Params extends RouteParameters<string>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: string,
handlerOrOptions: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params> | RouteOptionsWithHandler<string, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>,
options?: RouteOptions<string, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
delete<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(route: R, options: RouteOptionsWithHandler<R, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>): Destroyable
delete<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: R,
handler: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params>,
options?: RouteOptions<R, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
delete<Params extends RouteParameters<string>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: string,
handlerOrOptions: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params> | RouteOptionsWithHandler<string, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>,
options?: RouteOptions<string, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
get<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(route: R, options: RouteOptionsWithHandler<R, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>): Destroyable
get<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: R,
handler: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params>,
options?: RouteOptions<R, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
get<Params extends RouteParameters<string>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: string,
handlerOrOptions: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params> | RouteOptionsWithHandler<string, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>,
options?: RouteOptions<string, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
handle(request: Request, init: RouterHandleInit): Promise<Response>
head<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(route: R, options: RouteOptionsWithHandler<R, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>): Destroyable
head<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: R,
handler: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params>,
options?: RouteOptions<R, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
head<Params extends RouteParameters<string>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: string,
handlerOrOptions: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params> | RouteOptionsWithHandler<string, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>,
options?: RouteOptions<string, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
listen(options?: ListenOptions): Promise<void>
on<S extends Status>(status: S | S[], handler: StatusHandler<S>): Destroyable

Allows setting a handler that will be called when a response has been handled, but before any default handling has occurred and before it has been sent back to the client.

When the router is ready to form a response and send it to the client, it will match the status of any handlers, and call them in the order they were registered. The status can either be a Status, or a StatusRange or an array of codes and ranges.

The handler will receive the current Context along with the Status code and any Response object that was created previously. If there is no response, none has yet been created.

A handler can return a response body, like a route handler can or BodyInit or a Response and that will then become that basis for a new response. If the handler returns undefined the existing response or the default router response will be used.

Handlers can be removed by calling .destroy() on the returned handle.

If you are performing logging or metrics on the router, it is better to use the event listener interfaces for the "handled" event, as the intention of .on() is to provide a way to do "post-processing" of response or provide custom responses for things like 404 or 500 status responses.

options<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(route: R, options: RouteOptionsWithHandler<R, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>): Destroyable
options<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: R,
handler: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params>,
options?: RouteOptions<R, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
options<Params extends RouteParameters<string>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: string,
handlerOrOptions: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params> | RouteOptionsWithHandler<string, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>,
options?: RouteOptions<string, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
patch<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(route: R, options: RouteOptionsWithHandler<R, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>): Destroyable
patch<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: R,
handler: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params>,
options?: RouteOptions<R, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
patch<Params extends RouteParameters<string>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: string,
handlerOrOptions: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params> | RouteOptionsWithHandler<string, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>,
options?: RouteOptions<string, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
post<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(route: R, options: RouteOptionsWithHandler<R, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>): Destroyable
post<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: R,
handler: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params>,
options?: RouteOptions<R, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
post<Params extends RouteParameters<string>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: string,
handlerOrOptions: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params> | RouteOptionsWithHandler<string, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>,
options?: RouteOptions<string, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
put<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(route: R, options: RouteOptionsWithHandler<R, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>): Destroyable
put<R extends string, Params extends RouteParameters<R>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: R,
handler: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params>,
options?: RouteOptions<R, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
put<Params extends RouteParameters<string>, BodyType, ResponseType>(
route: string,
handlerOrOptions: RouteHandler<ResponseType, BodyType, Params> | RouteOptionsWithHandler<string, BodyType, Params, ResponseType>,
options?: RouteOptions<string, BodyType, Params>,
): Destroyable
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")](inspect: (value: unknown) => string)
depth: number,
options: any,
inspect: (value: unknown, options?: unknown) => string,