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variable objectEntries
import { objectEntries } from "";

A strongly-typed version of Object.entries().

This is useful since Object.entries() always returns an array of Array<[string, T]>. This function returns a strongly-typed array of the entries of the given object.


Example 1

import {objectEntries} from 'ts-extras';

const stronglyTypedEntries = objectEntries({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});
//=> Array<['a' | 'b' | 'c', number]>

const untypedEntries = Object.entries(items);
//=> Array<[string, number]>


<Type extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>>(value: Type) => [`${Exclude<keyof Type, symbol>}`, Type[`${Exclude<keyof Type, symbol>}`]][]