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Create and manage your GitHub workflows with TypeScript and Deno.
interface GitHubAction
import { type GitHubAction } from "";


name: string

The name of your action. GitHub displays the name in the Actions tab to help visually identify actions in each job.

author: string

The name of the action's author.

description: string

A short description of the action.

inputs: { [k: string]: { description: string; deprecationMessage?: string; required?: boolean; default?: string; }; }

Input parameters allow you to specify data that the action expects to use during runtime. GitHub stores input parameters as environment variables. Input ids with uppercase letters are converted to lowercase during runtime. We recommended using lowercase input ids.

outputs: { [k: string]: unknown; }
branding: { color?:
| "white"
| "yellow"
| "blue"
| "green"
| "orange"
| "red"
| "purple"
| "gray-dark"
; icon?:
| "activity"
| "airplay"
| "alert-circle"
| "alert-octagon"
| "alert-triangle"
| "align-center"
| "align-justify"
| "align-left"
| "align-right"
| "anchor"
| "aperture"
| "archive"
| "arrow-down-circle"
| "arrow-down-left"
| "arrow-down-right"
| "arrow-down"
| "arrow-left-circle"
| "arrow-left"
| "arrow-right-circle"
| "arrow-right"
| "arrow-up-circle"
| "arrow-up-left"
| "arrow-up-right"
| "arrow-up"
| "at-sign"
| "award"
| "bar-chart-2"
| "bar-chart"
| "battery-charging"
| "battery"
| "bell-off"
| "bell"
| "bluetooth"
| "bold"
| "book-open"
| "book"
| "bookmark"
| "box"
| "briefcase"
| "calendar"
| "camera-off"
| "camera"
| "cast"
| "check-circle"
| "check-square"
| "check"
| "chevron-down"
| "chevron-left"
| "chevron-right"
| "chevron-up"
| "chevrons-down"
| "chevrons-left"
| "chevrons-right"
| "chevrons-up"
| "circle"
| "clipboard"
| "clock"
| "cloud-drizzle"
| "cloud-lightning"
| "cloud-off"
| "cloud-rain"
| "cloud-snow"
| "cloud"
| "code"
| "command"
| "compass"
| "copy"
| "corner-down-left"
| "corner-down-right"
| "corner-left-down"
| "corner-left-up"
| "corner-right-down"
| "corner-right-up"
| "corner-up-left"
| "corner-up-right"
| "cpu"
| "credit-card"
| "crop"
| "crosshair"
| "database"
| "delete"
| "disc"
| "dollar-sign"
| "download-cloud"
| "download"
| "droplet"
| "edit-2"
| "edit-3"
| "edit"
| "external-link"
| "eye-off"
| "eye"
| "facebook"
| "fast-forward"
| "feather"
| "file-minus"
| "file-plus"
| "file-text"
| "file"
| "film"
| "filter"
| "flag"
| "folder-minus"
| "folder-plus"
| "folder"
| "gift"
| "git-branch"
| "git-commit"
| "git-merge"
| "git-pull-request"
| "globe"
| "grid"
| "hard-drive"
| "hash"
| "headphones"
| "heart"
| "help-circle"
| "home"
| "image"
| "inbox"
| "info"
| "italic"
| "layers"
| "layout"
| "life-buoy"
| "link-2"
| "link"
| "list"
| "loader"
| "lock"
| "log-in"
| "log-out"
| "mail"
| "map-pin"
| "map"
| "maximize-2"
| "maximize"
| "menu"
| "message-circle"
| "message-square"
| "mic-off"
| "mic"
| "minimize-2"
| "minimize"
| "minus-circle"
| "minus-square"
| "minus"
| "monitor"
| "moon"
| "more-horizontal"
| "more-vertical"
| "move"
| "music"
| "navigation-2"
| "navigation"
| "octagon"
| "package"
| "paperclip"
| "pause-circle"
| "pause"
| "percent"
| "phone-call"
| "phone-forwarded"
| "phone-incoming"
| "phone-missed"
| "phone-off"
| "phone-outgoing"
| "phone"
| "pie-chart"
| "play-circle"
| "play"
| "plus-circle"
| "plus-square"
| "plus"
| "pocket"
| "power"
| "printer"
| "radio"
| "refresh-ccw"
| "refresh-cw"
| "repeat"
| "rewind"
| "rotate-ccw"
| "rotate-cw"
| "rss"
| "save"
| "scissors"
| "search"
| "send"
| "server"
| "settings"
| "share-2"
| "share"
| "shield-off"
| "shield"
| "shopping-bag"
| "shopping-cart"
| "shuffle"
| "sidebar"
| "skip-back"
| "skip-forward"
| "slash"
| "sliders"
| "smartphone"
| "speaker"
| "square"
| "star"
| "stop-circle"
| "sun"
| "sunrise"
| "sunset"
| "tablet"
| "tag"
| "target"
| "terminal"
| "thermometer"
| "thumbs-down"
| "thumbs-up"
| "toggle-left"
| "toggle-right"
| "trash-2"
| "trash"
| "trending-down"
| "trending-up"
| "triangle"
| "truck"
| "tv"
| "type"
| "umbrella"
| "underline"
| "unlock"
| "upload-cloud"
| "upload"
| "user-check"
| "user-minus"
| "user-plus"
| "user-x"
| "user"
| "users"
| "video-off"
| "video"
| "voicemail"
| "volume-1"
| "volume-2"
| "volume-x"
| "volume"
| "watch"
| "wifi-off"
| "wifi"
| "wind"
| "x-circle"
| "x-square"
| "x"
| "zap-off"
| "zap"
| "zoom-in"
| "zoom-out"
; }

You can use a color and Feather icon to create a badge to personalize and distinguish your action. Badges are shown next to your action name in GitHub Marketplace.