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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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Create and manage your GitHub workflows with TypeScript and Deno.
interface SimplePullRequest
import { type SimplePullRequest } from "";


url: string
id: number
node_id: string
html_url: string
diff_url: string
patch_url: string
issue_url: string
number: number
state: "open" | "closed"
locked: boolean
title: string
user: User
body: string | null
created_at: string
updated_at: string
closed_at: string | null
merged_at: string | null
merge_commit_sha: string | null
assignee: User | null
assignees: User[]
requested_reviewers: (User | Team)[]
requested_teams: Team[]
labels: Label[]
milestone: Milestone | null
draft: boolean
commits_url: string
review_comments_url: string
review_comment_url: string
comments_url: string
statuses_url: string
head: { label: string; ref: string; sha: string; user: User; repo: Repository; }
base: { label: string; ref: string; sha: string; user: User; repo: Repository; }
author_association: AuthorAssociation
auto_merge: PullRequestAutoMerge | null
| "resolved"
| "off-topic"
| "too heated"
| "spam"
| null