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type alias CamelCase
import { type CamelCase } from "";

Convert a string literal to camel-case.

This can be useful when, for example, converting some kebab-cased command-line flags or a snake-cased database result.


Example 1

import type {CamelCase} from 'type-fest';

// Simple

const someVariable: CamelCase<'foo-bar'> = 'fooBar';

// Advanced

type CamelCasedProperties<T> = {
	[K in keyof T as CamelCase<K>]: T[K]

interface RawOptions {
	'dry-run': boolean;
	'full_family_name': string;
	foo: number;
	BAR: string;
	QUZ_QUX: number;
	'OTHER-FIELD': boolean;

const dbResult: CamelCasedProperties<RawOptions> = {
	dryRun: true,
	fullFamilyName: 'bar.js',
	foo: 123,
	bar: 'foo',
	quzQux: 6,
	otherField: false
definition: K extends string ? CamelCaseStringArray<Split<K extends Uppercase<K> ? Lowercase<K> : K, WordSeparators>> : K