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type alias RequiredKeysOf
import { type RequiredKeysOf } from "";

Extract all required keys from the given type.

This is useful when you want to create a new type that contains different type values for the required keys only or use the list of keys for validation purposes, etc...


Example 1

import type {RequiredKeysOf} from 'type-fest';

declare function createValidation<Entity extends object, Key extends RequiredKeysOf<Entity> = RequiredKeysOf<Entity>>(field: Key, validator: (value: Entity[Key]) => boolean): ValidatorFn;

interface User {
	name: string;
	surname: string;

	luckyNumber?: number;

const validator1 = createValidation<User>('name', value => value.length < 25);
const validator2 = createValidation<User>('surname', value => value.length < 25);

Type Parameters

BaseType extends object
definition: Exclude<[Key in keyof BaseType]: BaseType extends Record<Key, BaseType[Key]> ? Key : never[keyof BaseType], undefined>