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import { Application, error, info, log } from './deps.ts';import { wsMiddleware } from './wsMiddleware.ts';import { staticMiddleware } from './staticMiddleware.ts';import { Options } from './types.ts';import { reloadAll, reloadMiddleware } from './reloadScript.ts';
export { Options, reloadAll };
let timer: number;const INTERVAL = 250;
export async function server(options: Options) { const { port, root, watcher = watch, debug = false } = options; const app = new Application();
// Logger app.use(async (ctx, next) => { log(`${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.url}`); await next(); });
app.addEventListener('error', (evt) => { error( evt.context?.request.url.href, debug ? evt.error : evt.error.message, ); });
app.use(reloadMiddleware); app.use(wsMiddleware); app.use(staticMiddleware(options));
info(`Server started listening on port ${port}`); app.listen({ port }); watcher && watcher(root);}
export async function watch(root: string) { info(`Watch for file changes ${root}`); const watcher = Deno.watchFs(root, { recursive: true }); for await (const event of watcher) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(reloadAll, INTERVAL); }}