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A Deno library to interface with the Discord API

What is Aether?

Formerly known as Nitro, Aether is a Deno-based library to interface with the Discord API. It’s optimized in speed, efficiency, and simplicity to make it so you only worry about writing the logic of your bot


import * as Aether from '';

const client = new Aether.Client('MY_TOKEN', {
    intents: Aether.DefaultIntents,
    allowedEvents: ['messageCreate', 'ready'],
    cache: {
        guilds: {
            $enabled: true,
            $max: Infinity,
        channels: {
            $enabled: true,
            $max: Infinity,
        users: {
            $enabled: true,
            $max: Infinity,


client.on('ready', (id: string) => {
    console.log(`Bot is ready on ${client.user.tag}`);
    console.log(`SessionID: ${id}`);

client.on('messageCreate', (msg: Aether.Message) => {