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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import util from "./util.ts";
export const builtinModuleExts = ["tsx", "ts", "mts", "jsx", "js", "mjs"];
export class FetchError extends Error { constructor( public status: number, public details: Record<string, unknown>, message: string, opts?: ErrorOptions, ) { super(message, opts); }
static async fromResponse(res: Response): Promise<FetchError> { let message = res.statusText; let details: Record<string, unknown> = {}; if (res.headers.get("content-type")?.startsWith("application/json")) { details = await res.json(); if (typeof details.message === "string") { message = details.message; } } else { message = await res.text(); } return new FetchError(res.status, details, message); }}
/** * fix remote url to local path. * e.g. `` -> `/-/` */export function toLocalPath(url: string): string { if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { let { hostname, pathname, port, protocol, search } = new URL(url); const isHttp = protocol === "http:"; if ((isHttp && port === "80") || (protocol === "https:" && port === "443")) { port = ""; } return [ "/-/", isHttp && "http_", hostname, port && "_" + port, util.trimSuffix(pathname, "/"), search, ].filter(Boolean).join(""); } return url;}
/** * restore the remote url from local path. * e.g. `/-/` -> `` */export function restoreUrl(pathname: string): string { let [h,] = pathname.substring(3).split("/"); let protocol = "https"; if (h.startsWith("http_")) { h = h.substring(5); protocol = "http"; } const [host, port] = h.split("_"); return `${protocol}://${host}${port ? ":" + port : ""}/${rest.join("/")}`;}
export function globalIt<T>(name: string, fn: () => T): T { const cache: T | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, name); if (cache !== undefined) { return cache; } const ret = fn(); Reflect.set(globalThis, name, ret); return ret;}