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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";import { FetchError } from "../../lib/helpers.ts";import { DataContext } from "./context.ts";
export type HttpMethod = "get" | "post" | "put" | "patch" | "delete";
export type UpdateStrategy<T> = "none" | "replace" | { optimisticUpdate?: (data: T) => T; onFailure?: (error: Error) => void; replace?: boolean;};
export const useData = <T = unknown>(): { data: T; isMutating: HttpMethod | boolean; mutation: typeof mutation; reload: (signal?: AbortSignal) => Promise<void>;} => { const { dataUrl, dataCache } = useContext(DataContext); const [data, setData] = useState(() => { const cached = dataCache.get(dataUrl); if (cached) { if (typeof === "function") { const data =; if (data instanceof Promise) { throw data.then((data) => { = data; return data; }); } throw new Error(`Data for ${dataUrl} has invalid type [function].`); } return as T; } throw new Error(`Data for ${dataUrl} is not found`); }); const [isMutating, setIsMutating] = useState<HttpMethod | boolean>(false); const action = useCallback(async (method: HttpMethod, fetcher: Promise<Response>, update: UpdateStrategy<T>) => { const updateIsObject = update && typeof update === "object" && update !== null; const optimistic = updateIsObject && typeof update.optimisticUpdate === "function"; const replace = update === "replace" || (updateIsObject && !!update.replace);
let rollbackData: T | undefined = undefined; if (optimistic) { const optimisticUpdate = update.optimisticUpdate!; setData((prev) => { if (prev !== undefined) { rollbackData = prev; return optimisticUpdate(clone(prev)); } return prev; }); }
const res = await fetcher; if (res.status >= 400) { if (optimistic) { if (rollbackData !== undefined) { setData(rollbackData); } if (update.onFailure) { update.onFailure(await FetchError.fromResponse(res)); } } setIsMutating(false); return res; }
if (res.status >= 300) { const redirectUrl = res.headers.get("Location"); if (redirectUrl) { location.href = new URL(redirectUrl, location.href).href; } if (optimistic && rollbackData !== undefined) { setData(rollbackData); } setIsMutating(false); return res; }
if (replace && res.ok) { try { const data = await res.json(); const dataCacheTtl = dataCache.get(dataUrl)?.dataCacheTtl; dataCache.set(dataUrl, { data, dataCacheTtl, dataExpires: + (dataCacheTtl || 1) * 1000 }); setData(data); } catch (_) { if (optimistic) { if (rollbackData !== undefined) { setData(rollbackData); } if (update.onFailure) { update.onFailure(new FetchError(500, {}, "Data must be valid JSON")); } } } }
setIsMutating(false); return res; }, [dataUrl]); const reload = useCallback(async (signal?: AbortSignal) => { try { const res = await fetch(dataUrl, { headers: { "Accept": "application/json" }, signal, redirect: "manual" }); if (res.status >= 400) { throw await FetchError.fromResponse(res); } if (res.status >= 300) { const redirectUrl = res.headers.get("Location"); if (redirectUrl) { location.href = redirectUrl; } throw new FetchError(500, {}, "Missing the `Location` header"); } if (res.ok) { const data = await res.json(); const cc = res.headers.get("Cache-Control"); const dataCacheTtl = cc && cc.includes("max-age=") ? parseInt(cc.split("max-age=")[1]) : undefined; const dataExpires = + (dataCacheTtl || 1) * 1000; dataCache.set(dataUrl, { data, dataExpires }); setData(data); } else { throw new FetchError(500, {}, "Data must be valid JSON"); } } catch (error) { throw error; } }, [dataUrl]); const mutation = useMemo(() => { return { post: (data?: unknown, update?: UpdateStrategy<T>) => { return action("post", send("post", dataUrl, data), update ?? "none"); }, put: (data?: unknown, update?: UpdateStrategy<T>) => { return action("put", send("put", dataUrl, data), update ?? "none"); }, patch: (data?: unknown, update?: UpdateStrategy<T>) => { return action("patch", send("patch", dataUrl, data), update ?? "none"); }, delete: (data?: unknown, update?: UpdateStrategy<T>) => { return action("delete", send("delete", dataUrl, data), update ?? "none"); }, }; }, [dataUrl]);
useEffect(() => { const now =; const cache = dataCache.get(dataUrl); let ac: AbortController | null = null; if (cache === undefined || cache.dataExpires === undefined || cache.dataExpires < now) { ac = new AbortController(); reload(ac.signal).finally(() => { ac = null; }); } else if ( !== undefined) { setData( as never); }
return () => ac?.abort(); }, [dataUrl]);
return { data, isMutating, mutation, reload };};
function send(method: HttpMethod, href: string, data: unknown) { let body: BodyInit | undefined; const headers = new Headers(); if (typeof data === "string") { body = data; } else if (typeof data === "number") { body = data.toString(); } else if (typeof data === "object") { if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer || data instanceof Uint8Array) { body = data; } else if (data instanceof FormData) { body = data; } else if (data instanceof URLSearchParams) { body = data; } else if (data instanceof Blob) { body = data; headers.append("Content-Type", data.type); } else { body = JSON.stringify(data); headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); } } return fetch(href, { method, body, headers, redirect: "manual" });}
function clone<T>(obj: T): T { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore return typeof structuredClone === "function" ? structuredClone(obj) : JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));}