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export function json(data: unknown, init?: ResponseInit): Response { const headers = new Headers(init?.headers); headers.append("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); return new Response(JSON.stringify(data), { ...init, headers });}
export type CacheControlOptions = { maxAge?: number; sMaxAge?: number; public?: boolean; private?: boolean; immutable?: boolean; mustRevalidate?: boolean;};
export function content( body: BodyInit, init?: ResponseInit & { contentType?: string; cacheControl?: CacheControlOptions | "immutable" | "no-cache"; },): Response { const headers = new Headers(init?.headers);
const contentType = init?.contentType; if (contentType) { headers.set("Content-Type", contentType); }
const cacheControl = init?.cacheControl; if (cacheControl) { if (cacheControl === "no-cache") { headers.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); } else if (cacheControl === "immutable") { headers.set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"); } else { const { maxAge, sMaxAge, immutable, mustRevalidate } = cacheControl; headers.set( "Cache-Control", [ cacheControl.public && "public", cacheControl.private && "private", maxAge && `max-age=${maxAge}`, sMaxAge && `s-maxage=${sMaxAge}`, immutable && "immutable", mustRevalidate && "must-revalidate", ].filter(Boolean).join(", "), ); } }
return new Response(body, { ...init, headers });}
export type CookieOptions = { expires?: number | Date; maxAge?: number; domain?: string; path?: string; httpOnly?: boolean; secure?: boolean; sameSite?: "lax" | "strict" | "none";};
export function setCookieHeader(name: string, value: string, options?: CookieOptions): string { const cookie = [`${name}=${value}`]; if (options) { if (options.expires) { cookie.push(`Expires=${new Date(options.expires).toUTCString()}`); } if (options.maxAge) { cookie.push(`Max-Age=${options.maxAge}`); } if (options.domain) { cookie.push(`Domain=${options.domain}`); } if (options.path) { cookie.push(`Path=${options.path}`); } if (options.httpOnly) { cookie.push("HttpOnly"); } if ( { cookie.push("Secure"); } if (options.sameSite) { cookie.push(`SameSite=${options.sameSite}`); } } return cookie.join("; ");}