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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import util from "./util.ts";
// MIME types for webconst mimeTypes: Record<string, string[]> = { // application "application/javascript": ["js", "mjs"], "application/typescript": ["ts", "mts"], "application/wasm": ["wasm"], "application/json": ["json", "jsonc", "map"], "application/json5": ["json5"], "application/pdf": ["pdf"], "application/xml": ["xml"], "application/zip": ["zip"], // text "text/html": ["html", "htm"], "text/markdown": ["md", "markdown"], "text/mdx": ["mdx"], "text/jsx": ["jsx"], "text/tsx": ["tsx"], "text/vue": ["vue"], "text/svelte": ["svelte"], "text/css": ["css"], "text/postcss": ["pcss", "postcss"], "text/less": ["less"], "text/sass": ["sass", "scss"], "text/stylus": ["stylus", "styl"], "text/csv": ["csv"], "text/yaml": ["yaml"], "text/plain": ["txt", "glsl"], // font "font/ttf": ["ttf"], "font/otf": ["otf"], "font/woff": ["woff"], "font/woff2": ["woff2"], "font/collection": ["ttc"], // image "image/jpeg": ["jpg", "jpeg"], "image/png": ["png"], "image/apng": ["apng"], "image/gif": ["gif"], "image/webp": ["webp"], "image/avif": ["avif"], "image/svg+xml": ["svg", "svgz"], "image/x-icon": ["ico"], // audio "audio/mp4": ["m4a"], "audio/mpeg": ["mp3", "m3a"], "audio/ogg": ["ogg", "oga"], "audio/wav": ["wav"], "audio/webm": ["weba"], // video "video/mp4": ["mp4", "m4v"], "video/ogg": ["ogv"], "video/webm": ["webm"], "video/x-matroska": ["mkv"], // shader "x-shader/x-fragment": ["frag"], "x-shader/x-vertex": ["vert"],};
const typesMap = Object.entries(mimeTypes).reduce((map, [contentType, exts]) => { exts.forEach((ext) => map.set(ext, contentType)); return map;}, new Map<string, string>());
/** register a new mime type */export function registerMimeType(ext: string, contentType: string) { typesMap.set(util.trimPrefix(ext, "."), contentType);}
/** get the content type by file name */export function getContentType(filename: string, charset?: string): string { const [_, ext] = util.splitBy(filename, ".", true); const ctype = typesMap.get(ext); if (ctype && charset) { return `${ctype}; charset=${charset}`; } return ctype ?? "application/octet-stream";}