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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { AnchorHTMLAttributes, CSSProperties, MouseEvent, MutableRefObject, PropsWithChildren } from "react";import { createElement, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from "react";import util from "../../lib/util.ts";import events from "../core/events.ts";import { redirect } from "../core/redirect.ts";import { useRouter } from "./router.ts";
const prefetched = new Set<string>();
export type LinkProps = PropsWithChildren< { to: string; replace?: boolean; prefetch?: boolean; innerRef?: MutableRefObject<HTMLAnchorElement | null>; } & Omit<AnchorHTMLAttributes<Record<never, never>>, "herf" | "hrefLang">>;
/** * The `<Link>` component to link between pages. */export function Link(props: LinkProps) { const { to, prefetch: propPrefetch, replace, className, style, onClick: propOnClick, onMouseEnter: propOnMouseEnter, onMouseLeave: propOnMouseLeave, ["aria-current"]: propAriaCurrent, children, innerRef, } = props; const { url: { pathname } } = useRouter(); const href = useMemo(() => { if (!util.isFilledString(to)) { throw new Error("<Link>: prop `to` is required."); } if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(to)) { return to; } let [p, q] = util.splitBy(to, "?"); if (p.startsWith("/")) { p = util.cleanPath(p); } else { p = util.cleanPath(pathname + "/" + p); } return [p, q].filter(Boolean).join("?"); }, [pathname, to]); const ariaCurrent = useMemo(() => { if (util.isFilledString(propAriaCurrent)) { return propAriaCurrent; } if (href.startsWith("/")) { return "page"; } return undefined; }, [href, propAriaCurrent]); const prefetch = useCallback(() => { if (!util.isLikelyHttpURL(href) && !prefetched.has(href)) { events.emit("moduleprefetch", { href }); prefetched.add(href); } }, [href]); const timerRef = useRef<number | null>(null); const onMouseEnter = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (typeof propOnMouseEnter === "function") { propOnMouseEnter(e); } if (e.defaultPrevented) { return; } if (!timerRef.current && !prefetched.has(href)) { timerRef.current = setTimeout(() => { timerRef.current = null; prefetch(); }, 150); } }; const onMouseLeave = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (typeof propOnMouseLeave === "function") { propOnMouseLeave(e); } if (e.defaultPrevented) { return; } if (timerRef.current) { clearTimeout(timerRef.current); timerRef.current = null; } }; const onClick = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (typeof propOnClick === "function") { propOnClick(e); } if (e.defaultPrevented || isModifiedEvent(e)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); redirect(href, replace); };
useEffect(() => { if (propPrefetch) { prefetch(); } return () => { if (timerRef.current) { clearTimeout(timerRef.current); timerRef.current = null; } }; }, [propPrefetch, prefetch]);
return createElement( "a", {, className, style, href, onClick, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, "aria-current": ariaCurrent, ref: innerRef, }, children, );}
export type NavLinkProps = LinkProps & { exact?: boolean; activeClassName?: string; activeStyle?: CSSProperties;};
/** * A special version of the `<Link>` that will add styling attributes to the rendered element when it matches the current URL. */export function NavLink(props: NavLinkProps) { const { to, exact, className: propClassName, style: propStyle, activeStyle, activeClassName, } = props; const { url } = useRouter(); const isActivated = useMemo(() => { if (!util.isFilledString(to)) { return false; }
const [p, q] = util.splitBy(to, "?"); const currentPathname = util.trimSuffix(url.pathname, "/"); let pathname: string; if (p.startsWith("/")) { pathname = util.cleanPath(p); } else { pathname = util.cleanPath(currentPathname + "/" + p); } if (!exact) { return pathname === currentPathname || currentPathname.startsWith(pathname + "/"); } return pathname === currentPathname && q === url.searchParams.toString(); }, [url.pathname, url.searchParams, to, exact]); const className = useMemo(() => { if (!isActivated || !activeClassName) { return propClassName; } return [propClassName, activeClassName].filter(util.isFilledString).join(" "); }, [propClassName, activeClassName, isActivated]); const style = useMemo(() => { if (!isActivated || !activeStyle) { return propStyle; } return Object.assign({}, propStyle, activeStyle); }, [propStyle, activeStyle, isActivated]); const linkProps: LinkProps = {, to, className, style }; if (isActivated) { Object.assign(linkProps, { "data-active": "true" }); } return createElement(Link, linkProps);}
function isModifiedEvent(event: MouseEvent): boolean { const { target } = event.currentTarget as HTMLAnchorElement; const nativeEvent = event.nativeEvent; return ( (target && target !== "_self") || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || // triggers resource download (nativeEvent && nativeEvent.which === 2) );}