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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { readableStreamFromReader } from "";import log from "../lib/log.ts";import type { AlephConfig } from "./types.ts";
export default { fetch: async (req: Request): Promise<Response> => { const config: AlephConfig | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG"); const outputDir = config?.build?.outputDir ?? "dist"; const { pathname, searchParams } = new URL(req.url); try { let filePath = `./${outputDir}${pathname}`; let ctype = "application/javascript; charset=utf-8"; if (searchParams.has("module") || pathname.startsWith("/-/")) { filePath += `.js`; } if (pathname.endsWith(".css") && !searchParams.has("module")) { ctype = "text/css; charset=utf-8"; } const stat = await Deno.lstat(filePath); if (stat.isFile) { const { mtime } = stat; const etag = mtime ? mtime.getTime().toString(16) + "-" + stat.size.toString(16) : null; if (etag && req.headers.get("If-None-Match") === etag) { return new Response(null, { status: 304 }); } const file = await, { read: true }); const headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": ctype }); if (mtime) { headers.set("Etag", etag!); headers.set("Last-Modified", mtime.toUTCString()); } return new Response(readableStreamFromReader(file), { headers }); } } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { log.error(err); return new Response("Internal Server Error", { status: 500 }); } } return new Response("Not Found", { status: 404 }); },};